An Orlando TV station investigates the pipeline pushers
and finds both them and Sabal Trail wanting,
digging up some new evidence of apparent back-room collusion.
Christopher Heath, WFTV, 1 September 2015, 9 Investigates new Florida natural gas pipeline,
A third natural gas pipeline is in the works for Florida. But, even as the power companies pushing the plan tout the need for increased natural gas in the state, questions are being raised about the company actually building the pipeline.
The web version goes into PHMSA fines and
quotes me via skype
with the WWALS banner in the background and the petition in the foreground:
“Is that the kind of company that we want drilling under our rivers and through the fragile limestone,” asks John Quarterman of the WWALS Watershed Coalition.
Quarterman and the coalition recently filed a petition with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to stop the pipeline.
Here’s that amended petition filed Friday 28 August 2015.
But the best parts are the new material Christopher Heath and WFTV turned up:
Even as environmentalists decry the pipeline, others are asking questions about the influence energy companies have on Florida’s elected leaders, including Governor Rick Scott.
According to documents obtained by Eyewitness News, FP&L Vice President Sam Forrest, was on Governor Scott’s transition team. In that role, he drafted this proposal calling on the state to add an additional gas pipeline, noting that legislation was needed.
In 2013, governor Scott signed that legislation. Shortly thereafter, the Public Service Commission approved the initial stages of the pipeline plan.
One year later, Governor Scott opened up his blind trust, revealing that he owned a $53,000 share of Spectra Energy.
That bit about Forrest I think is new.
And this part, which is not on the web, only in the WFTV video:
Former Democratic aide Carlos Guillermo Smith says the relationship between the state and those and those pushing the plan should raise concerns.
“The state has turned its back on our own ability to regulate these industries.”
Here’s that WFTV video:
Heath concludes with a raised eyebrow on a written statement from Spectra
of their rote line about being safer than other pipeline companies.
You know what’s safer than any pipeline?
Solar power for the Sunshine State!
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