Monthly Archives: January 2016

On Columbia County agenda 2016-02-04? Falling Creek Aquifer Recharge

Why is the SRWMD Executive Director on the Columbia County agenda a few days before the SRWMD board meeting with the Falling Creek Aquifer Recharge project?

Under “Presentation of Ministerial Matters Not Requiring Public Comment”, on the February 4th agenda for the Columbia Board of County Commissioners:

Noah Valenstein, Executive Director, Suwannee River Water Management District

   (1) Introduction

Introduction of what? Of the Continue reading

Audubon speaks for the Florida legislature now?

Even as Our Santa Fe River and others held a demonstration in Gainesville yesterday against fracking bills in the Florida legislature, especially Senate Bill 318 now that House Bill 191 passed, Audubon Florida published a letter concluding:

“So my request to you right now: hold off of the emails to the committee, they know you are paying attention.”

This has not sit well with many opponents of fracking in Florida. WWALS is among the members of Floridians Against Fracking that call for Floridians to call their state legislators.

WWALS remembers when Continue reading

Pictures: Withlacoochee and Suwannee Rivers, WWALS Outing, 2014-09-21

Gretchen Quarterman took these pictures on the Withlacoochee and Suwannee paddle: springs, shoals, and pipeline 21 Sept 2014. More people 30.4492111, -83.2214667 This was a long outing Chris Mericle organized down two rivers with many people, past springs, shoald, and sinkholes, and past the crossings formerly proposed by Spectra Energy for its Sabal “Sinkhole” Trail fracked methane pipeline before it moved upstream on the Suwannee, as seen 2015-08-15 and 2015-11-15. It was also before we started the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail. Click on any small picture below to see a larger one.


You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

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Sabal Trail on Suwannee County agenda twice for Monday 2016-02-01

On the agenda for 6PM Monday 1 Feb 2016 in Live Oak:

9. Consider Agreement with Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC for temporary use of county owned property located on CR 252.

14. Discuss, scheduling a workshop to evaluate the proposed Sabal Trail Pipeline route near State Park on US 90 West. (Chairman Jason Bashaw)

17. Additional Agenda Items. The Chairman calls for Continue reading

Lowndes County Commission should represent people, not pipeline –WWALS to WCTV

Is less than 50 cents per person in Lowndes County enough to risk drinking water for all?

Noelani Mathews, 27 January 2016, Lowndes County Leaders Vote 4-1 for Sabal Trail,

Interviewing John S. Quarterma, president of WWALS A 4-1 vote Tuesday night has paved the way for the pipeline to run through part of Lowndes County, but some are upset about the Board’s decision.

“They’re suppose[d] to represent the people of the County, not the salesman for a pipeline company from Houston, Texas”, says John Quarterman, president of WWALS Watershed Coalition.

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Reject Sabal Trail easement payment tonight –WWALS to Lowndes County Commission 2016-01-26

The Lowndes County Commission is voting tonight on an easement for the Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline through a mercury-contaminated closed landfill. STA. 12818+00 TO STA. 12871+00, Clyatt Mill Creek, Railroad Ave. They only gave one day’s notice, and they didn’t mention the landfill. Here is the letter (PDF) I just sent them asking them to reject that easement, to support their own previous unanimous resolution against Sabal Trail, and to contact state and federal elected and appointed officials and ask them also to reject Sabal Trail. You can write them, too, to

To: Lowndes County Board of County Commissioners, Continue reading

Aquifer Storage and Recharge at SRWMD 2016-02-09

Update 2023-01-31: Fixed image links that broke when the reference documents vanished from the web.

Public Hearing about the $48 million Falling Creek Aquifer Recharge project and its 48-inch 11-mile pipeline, and several others also involving the upper Suwannee River, 9AM Tuesday, February 9th, 2016, at SRWMD headquarters in Live Oak. Wouldn’t limiting withdrawals make more sense? And why is this the only project listed that’s joint with the St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD), and why is drawdown from Jacksonville prominently featured in slides about why this project?

[Project Location and Potential Pipeline Alignment]
Project Location and Potential Pipeline Alignment

On the SRWMD front page under CALENDAR, Continue reading