WWALS at Suwannee River Roots Revival 2016-10-15

Music and advocacy on the banks of the iconic Suwannee River!

Gretchen Quarterman and Dave Hetzel by Leeann Drabenstott Culbreath WWALS outings, rivers, Valdosta wastewater, agricultural runoff, and the issue half the people wanted to talk about was the Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline: nobody wants it.

Thanks to Leeann Drabenstott Culbreath for the great picture of WWALS Treasurer Gretchen Quarterman and Ambassador Dave Hetzel, who engages everybody who walks past. Thanks to WWALS member Bret Huntley for camping overnight last night and setting up this morning. Gretchen took the other pictures of Dave and Bret. WWALS president John S. Quarterman took the one of the Shook Twins on the Amphitheater Stage in Spirit of Suwannee Music Park at Suwannee River Roots Revival on the banks of the Suwannee River.

Come on down to these upcoming WWALS events and outings:

Watch the WWALS Calendar for more outings and events.

WWALS is the Waterkeeper® Alliance Affiliate for the upper Suwannee River and all its tributaries. Amongst all our other advocacy, we continue to support solar power (vote No on Florida Amendment 1!) and to oppose Spectra Energy’s fracked methane Sabal Trail Transmission pipeline, even more now that Spectra is being bought by Enbridge, one of the pipeline companies behind the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), and FPL has admitted Florida needs no new electricity until 2025 at the earliest, so why charge FPL’s ratepayers $3 billion for this pipeline boondoggle? Here are things you can do. #NoSabalTrail, #NoDAPL, #WaterIsLife.


You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Gretchen Quarterman and Dave Hetzel by Leeann Drabenstott Culbreath

Gretchen Quarterman and Dave Hetzel by Leeann Drabenstott Culbreath

Ambassador Dave Hetzel by Gretchen Quarterman

Ambassador Dave Hetzel by Gretchen Quarterman

Bret Huntley represents by Gretchen Quarterman

Bret Huntley represents by Gretchen Quarterman

Dave Hetzel, WWALS, Waterkeeper, #NoSabalTrail by Gretchen Quarterman

Dave Hetzel, WWALS, Waterkeeper, #NoSabalTrail by Gretchen Quarterman

Shook Twins play by John S. Quarterman 2016-10-13

Shook Twins play by John S. Quarterman 2016-10-13