Rachael Thompson of Satilla Riverkeeper invited WWALS to
Pioneer Day at the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge near Folkston, Georgia.
Rachael showed children how watersheds work.
They played the WWALS froggy toss game.
Endangered species puppets paraded.
Houdini the rat snake was a hit.
And there were gators.
More pictures below.
You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!
Pictures by John S. Quarterman
Houdini the rat snake 30.7383402, -82.1398710
Osceola National Forest 093948 30.7383402, -82.1398710
Parade of endangered species puppets 30.7382510, -82.1398710
Endangered species puppets 30.7384295, -82.1398710
Endangered species closeup 30.7382930, -82.1398285
What are endangered animals? 30.7380556, -82.1397222
Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge 30.7383331, -82.1402463
The winning picture 30.7381566, -82.1397860
Gators and such 30.7381566, -82.1397860
Black bear 30.7385121, -82.1400729
USFWS animals 30.7384398, -82.1400411
Mortar and pestle 30.7383746, -82.1401102
Explaining native culture 30.7385138, -82.1400721
Why are the arrow feathers yellow? 30.7380248, -82.1387499
Pictures by Gretchen Quarterman
From her facebook album.
Rachael Thompson of Satilla Riverkeeper, John S. Quarterman of WWALS, Ash of SRK
Stash your trash in this reusable boat bag
Rachael explains pollution in watersheds
Rachael explaining watershed to children
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