Are those two sinkholes at Sabal Trail’s Troy Access off CR 141 in Hamilton County, Florida, on the way to to under the Suwannee River? Only three Hamilton County Sheriff’s deputies was light law enforcement by Saturday’s protest day standards. What about those other sinkholes just outside the pipeline easement?
NE to CR 141 Sabal Trail entrance with 3 Hamilton Co. Sheriff, 30.4164450, -83.1765850
SE to CR 141 Sabal Trail Troy Access, 30.4171760, -83.1768130
S to sinkholes? CR 141 Sabal Trail Troy Access, 30.4170100, -83.1758910
SSW to CR 141 Sabal Trail Troy Access, 30.4170100, -83.1758910
SW to containers, 30.4159360, -83.1723320
SW to end of red pipe, 30.4142430, -83.1705690
SW to end of red pipe, sinkhole, 30.4130480, -83.1703010
SW to red pipe past sinkhole, 30.4121400, -83.1701490
S to pipe going into ground, with a few Sheriff vehicles 12:47 PM, 30.4116960, -83.1661320
CR 141, red pipe to HDD, Hamilton County, FL, 30.4049670, -83.1656290
Photographs by Beth Gammie for WWALS from Southwings flight piloted by Roy Zimmer, navigated by Can Denizman, January 14, 2017. You may reuse these pictures provided you cite the source: Beth Gammie for WWALS Watershed Coalition.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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