First in a series of Where is the existing water quality data? In Georgia, it’s in Georgia Adopt-A-Stream’s database, online maps, charts, etc. And Adopt-A-Stream is not just for Georgia anymore.
Suwannee River Basin, Maps
The data record for the Suwannee River Basin is embarrassingly empty.
TN, SC, GA, FL, Maps
However, it turns out there’s data in Tennessee, South Carolina, and in Florida way down to Key West. So Georgia Adopt-A-Stream is a candidate for keeping Suwannee Riverkeeper data. Of which there turns out to be quite a bit already for Florida, just not in this database or map; see next post.
Georgia Adopt-A-Stream has convenient manuals, training, and certification for Visual, Chemical, and Bacterial monitoring, which covers almost everything we need. Sometimes and some places we will also need Metallic testing, for metals such as arsenic, lead, and copper.
Adopt-A-Stream’s Volunteer Conference
When: Fri-Sat March 23-24, 2018
Environmental and Heritage Center
2020 Clean Water Drive, Buford, GA 30519
Event: They don’t have a facebook event up yet, but it will show up on their facebook page.
Friday Evening: Water Science Poster Session and Social
Saturday: Water quality workshops, exhibits and awards
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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