Pictures: Little River Fest 2017-03-25

Not too crowded, and fun, Little River Fest at Reed Bingham State Park on the border Little River between Colquitt and Cook Counties, in the heart of the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail (WLRWT). We’ll be back in 2018.

Dave and Bret, WWALS booth

Froggy Toss Game, WWALS booth
Froggy Toss Game, WWALS booth

Set up and ready, WWALS booth
Set up and ready, WWALS booth

Gretchen and Bret, WWALS booth
Gretchen and Bret, WWALS booth

Enviroscape, WWALS booth
Enviroscape, WWALS booth

Sloth, Animals

Sloth, Animals

Snake, Animals
Snake, Animals

Turtle, Animals
Turtle, Animals

Festival Banner, Animals
Festival Banner, Animals

A few, Cars

A few, Cars

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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