SRWMD Board Packet 2019-03-12

The testing results promised last time will apparently be in the workshop, which is usually around noon or 1PM:

Also Bob’s River Place, on the Suwannee River in Dixie County, is on the agenda yet again, this time for a variance, after last time they said they had received new information.

Board Members, SRWMD
Current SRWMD Board Members.

Received Monday, 4 March 2019: Board agenda and packet and Lands Committee Agenda and packet. See also the WWALS writeup and videos from the February SRWMD board meeting, which was mostly about Valdosta wastewater.



March 12, 2019
9:00 a.m.

District Headquarters
Live Oak, Florida

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Announcement of any Amendments to the Agenda by the Chair Amendments Recommended by Staff: None
  4. Public Comment
  5. Consideration of the following Items Collectively by Consent:
    • Agenda Item No. 6 – Approval of Minutes — February 12, 2019 Board, Workshop, and Audit Committee Minutes
    • Agenda Item No. 10 – Approval of January 2019 Financial Report
    • Agenda Item No. 11 – Acceptance of the Inspector General Audit Report #19-01 from Law, Redd, Crona & Munroe, P.A., Inspector General
    • Agenda Item No. 13 – Request for Authorization to Publish Notice of Rule Development and Notice of Proposed Rule to Amend Rule 40B-2.051, F.A.C., and File the Rule Amendments and any Changes with the Department of State if no Objections are Received
  6. Approval of Minutes — February 12, 2019 Board, Workshop, and Audit Committee Minutes – Recommend Consent
  7. Items of General Interest for Information/Cooperating Agencies and Organizations
    1. Presentation of Hydrologic Conditions by Fay Baird, Senior Hydrologist, Water Resource Division
    2. Cooperating Agencies and Organizations

    Tom Reeves

  8. Update on Legal Activities / Enforcement Status Report

    Steve Minnis, Deputy Executive Director

    Legislative and Governmental Affairs

  9. Land Acquisition and Disposition Activity Report

    Office of Finance

  10. Approval of January 2019 Financial Report — Recommend Consent
  11. Acceptance of the Inspector General Audit Report #19-01 from Law, Redd, Crona & Munroe, P.A., Inspector General — Recommend Consent

    Office of Information Technology

    No Items

    Resource Management

  12. Permitting Summary Report
  13. Request for Authorization to Publish Notice of Rule Development and Notice of Proposed Rule to Amend Rule 40B-2.051, F.A.C., and File the Rule Amendments and any Changes with the Department of State if no Objections are Received — Recommend Consent
  14. Approval of Final Order 19-0002 for General Works of the District Permit Application Number ERP-029-214825-8, Hawkins Project, Dixie County
  15. Approval of Final Order 19-0003 for General Works of the District Permit Application Number WOD-075-233361-2, Belair Boathouse Rebuild, Levy County
  16. Approval of new Water Use Permit 2-041-233899-1, Authorizing a Maximum 1056 mgd of Groundwater for Agricultural Use at the Mathis Project, Gilchrist County

    Agriculture and Environmental Projects

  17. Authorization to Amend an Agreement with the City of Alachua

    Tom Mirti, Deputy Executive Director

    Land Management Program

  18. District Land Management & Twin River State Forest (TRSF) Activity Summary

    Water Resources Program

  19. Agricultural Water Use Monitoring Report

    Water Supply / MFL Programs

    No Items

    Hugh Thomas, Executive Director

  20. District’s Weekly Activity Reports
  21. Springs Protection Awareness Month Proclamation
  22. Water Conservation Month Proclamation
  23. Announcements

    Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are at District Headquarters in Live Oak, Florida

    April 9, 2019 9:00 a.m. Board Meeting
    Workshop / Committee Meetings

    **Board Workshops immediately follow Board Meetings unless otherwise noted.

  24. Adjournment

Any member of the public, who wishes to address the Board on any agenda item, or any other topic, must sign up (including the completion of the required speaker forms) with the Executive Director or designee before the time designated for Public Comment. During Public Comment, the Chair shall recognize those persons signed up to speak on agenda items first. To the extent time permits, the Chair shall thereafter recognize those persons signed up to speak on non-agenda items. Unless, leave is given by the Chair, (1) all speakers will be limited to three minutes per topic, (2) any identifiable group of three persons or more shall be required to choose a representative, who shall be limited to five minutes per topic. When recognized by the Chair during Public Comment, a speaker may request to be allowed to make his or her comments at the time the Board considers an agenda item. The Chair may grant or deny such request in the Chair’s sole discretion.


•”Lobbies” is defined as seeking to influence a district policy or procurement decision or an attempt to obtain the goodwill of a district official or employee. (112.3261(1)(b), Florida Statutes [F.S.])

•”Lobbyist” is a person who is employed and receives payment, or who contracts for economic consideration, for the purpose of lobbying, or a person who is principally employed for governmental affairs by another person or governmental entity to lobby on behalf of that other person or governmental entity. (112.3215(1)(h), F.S.)

The Board may act upon (including reconsideration) any agenda item at any time during the meeting. The agenda may be changed only for good cause as determined by the Chair and stated in the record. If, after the regular time for Public Comment, the agenda is amended to add an item for consideration, the Chair shall allow public comment on the added agenda item prior to the Board taking action thereon.

All decisions of the Chair concerning parliamentary procedures, decorum, and rules of order will be final, unless they are overcome by a majority of the members of the Board in attendance. If any person decides to appeal any decision with respect to any action considered at the above referenced meeting and hearing, such person may need to ensure a verbatim record of the proceeding is made to include testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is made.


March 12, 2019
Following Board Meeting

District Headquarters
Live Oak, Florida

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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