Update 2023-03-31: Clean Rivers 2023-03-30.
No new sewage spills have been reported in the Suwannee River Basin in Georgia in the past week.
Map: FDEP PNP, High Springs 50-gallon spill, 2023-03-30
But there was a tiny one in Florida yesterday, that was very unlikely to have any effect on the Santa Fe River.
Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Public Notice of Pollution (PNP) Finder: Last 30 Days, accessed 2023-03-31,
SSO 2023-0001
Incident #
Incident Name SSO 2023-0001
Incident Report Incident Description: 2″ low pressure force main sewer line was hit by boring crew that had not called in for local utility locates. Received call from crew after line was hit, called in emergency locates for area. The crew that was mobilized for event was able to shut line off at valve and homes at control boxes for their sewer pumps. Crew was able to dig down to line, cut the section out that had been hit, and replace with new 2″ HDPE line and 2 Philmac compression couplers. Line was repressurized and had no leaks from the repair. Hole was back filled and packed in to avoid any pinching on line. Signage and lime were applied to site and other side of city road that sewer ran to. Wastewater Type: Untreated Cause: Contractor Spill Volume: 150 Volume Recovered: 0 Waterbodies Impacted: N Clean-up Status: Complete Clean-up Actions: Applied lime, Signs posted Agencies Notified:
Report Date/Time 3/30/2023, 3:58 PM
Facility Name High Springs WWTF
Facility Address Line 1 Southwest 25th Avenue
Facility Address Line 2
Facility Directions Southwest 25th Avenue
Facility City High Springs
Facility State FL
Facility ZIP 32643
Contact Name Richard Cason
Contact Email rcason@highsprings.gov
Contact Phone # 3522582763
Affected Counties Alachua
So that’s 150 gallons of raw sewage, spilled somewhere in High Springs. I can’t parse “Southwest 25th Avenue” for High Springs, where everything is NW. Nor can googlemaps, which thinks that means NW 158 Ave, High Springs, FL 32643, USA.
Can anybody make any sense of that address? I’m not going to spend more time on it, not for 150 gallons.
Ah, we had this same address problem last time, when High Springs spilled 500 gallons (300 recovered) on July 7, 2022. The High Springs Waste Water Plant is at 25555 NW 158 Ave, High Springs, FL 32643 29.796876, -82.616801
High Springs Waste Water Plant in WWALS
map of the Suwannee River Water Trail.
Which doesn’t clarify either why Googlemaps would know or care about that, nor why some other address was used in both those reports.
Also, I’m assuming the spill happened yesterday, because that’s when the report was made, and no other date is given in the report.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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