Update 2023-11-07: Sand Mine Special Exception at Levy County Commission 2023-12-05.
Follow this link for the petition:
NO Special Exceptions for Mining in Rural Neighborhoods,
Started August 11, 2023, by Kim Wheeler
Why this petition matters
Currently, Levy County allows major mining in Agricultural/Rural Residential and Forestry/Rural Residential zoned areas of the county by ‘Special Exception’, which is a lengthy and cumbersome process for the county, and a great problem for the rural residents that might be impacted by such mining and the resulting traffic generated. Therefore, we are requesting that the major mining use no longer be allowed in Ag/RR and F/RR areas of the county. Existing mines would be ‘grandfathered’ in, but no new mines allowed. Mines would still be allowed in Industrial zoned areas. There are some 12-15 mines in the county now.
Hazards presented by mining include negative health and financial impacts on adjacent landowners and their animals, threats to the aquifer and private wells, and the very real risk of creating sinkholes. The community exposure to truck traffic generated by mines is significant in that these trucks are dangerous and loud, and do not flow at the same rate as cars and light trucks. Trucks wear the roads down at a faster rate due to size and weight. Their presence will discourage the environmental tourism the county seeks, especially bicycle and equestrian tourism. Mining is incompatible with rural residential neighborhoods..
Further, mines provide little to the county in tax revenue, about the same as a large single-family home in the area with no significant resources to offset the costs of road damage. And although they create some jobs, those jobs, such as truck driver or heavy equipment operator, have very low unemployment.
Continued consideration of special exceptions for mining, whether sand or minerals, is an avoidable waste of time, manpower and money. By adopting this change NOW into the county code, it will eliminate such requests. Granting special exceptions for mining within existing neighborhoods is an obvious detriment to stakeholders, homeowners and the community/County at large.
See also:
- Proposed prohibition of mining in certain Levy County zones 2023-08-07
- Draft Conditions from the Planning Commission to the BoCC on SE 23-01 3RT Sand Mine, Levy County, FL 2023-07-20
- Levy County 3RT Sand Mine is in Springshed of Rainbow Springs 2023-07-23
- Packet: Levy County Planning Commission, with 3RT Sand Mine Special Exception application 2023-07-10
- Jury awards 33 times what Sabal Trail offered to Levy Co., FL landowner 2018-11-09
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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Pingback: Proposed prohibition of mining in certain Levy County zones 2023-08-07 | WWALS Watershed Coalition (WWALS) is Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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