Tonight at 5:30 PM the Lowndes County Commission will vote on a contract for $130,000 out of $1.734 million for sewer system improvements from a GEFA loan. This includes work at the Land Application Site (LAS), which Lowndes County uses instead of a wastewater treatment plant. The LAS is in the Withlacoochee River watershed. Here is video of discussion of this item from yesterday morning’s Work Session.
6.i. Engineering Services for Sanitary Sewer System Improvements
Video. Utilities Director said Carter & Sloope was the same firm who originally designed the Lowndes County Land Application Site. The agenda sheet says, apparently mis-spelling the name:
This is a contract for engineering services with Cater & Sloope Inc. for sanitary sewer system improvements. Lowndes County received a GEFA loan for $1,734,000.00 for these improvements. Carter & Sloope has proposed to provide the engineering services for this project for $130,000.00 which is 7.5% of the total construction costs.
Lowndes County has identified several sanitary sewer improvements to include the removal of sludge from the aeration basin, installing solar powered mixers in the holding pond, installation of a second screening structure, and the rehabilitation of several lift stations and manholes within the system.
OPTIONS: 1. Authorize the Chairman to sign the contract.
2. Board’s Pleasure.RECOMMENDED ACITION: Option 1.
DEPARTMENT: Utilities Department Head: Steve Stalvey
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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