Apparently you can mine almost anywhere in Bradford County, Florida, according to the Bradford County Comprehensive Plan:
Illustration A-X Bradford County MINING AREAS
That map is about as bad as the one in Union County’s current Comprehensive Plan. At least Union County has proposed a much better map (although there’s still plenty of room for improvement).
I have not heard that Bradford County is planning a Comprehensive Plan Update.
These and the rest of the maps from Appendix A of the Bradford County Comprehensive Plan are on the WWALS website. For each map you will find small, big, and huge images, along with a link to high-resolution PDF for each map.
There you will also find the other two maps below, which I got from the Bradford County Permits web page.
Bradford County Future Land Use Plan Map 2016
Bradford County Official Zoning Atlas
The PDFs for those last two maps are much higher resolution, but they appear to show the the proposed site for the HPS II phosphate mine as agricultural with no restrictions on mining.
For more about phosphate mining in Union and Bradford Counties, in Hamilton County, and elsewhere, see the WWALS Phosphate Mining web page.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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