Drainage built over that runs into Grand Bay @ LCC 2022-03-21

This morning the Lowndes County Commission considered and Tuesday evening will vote on letting a subdivision developer replace a detention pond with a built-on lot and some other detention area somewhere unspecified.

[Map: Little Viking Road to Grand Bay, ARWT]
Map: Little Viking Road to Grand Bay, in the WWALS map of the Alapaha River Water Trail (ARWT).

The detention pond is marked by the red ellipse. The most likely drainage from there is where I drew the cyan line. It appears to go into Grand Bay. See below a closeup of the lot and a larger map of how Grand Bay drains into Grand Bay Creek, the Alapahoochee River, the Alapaha River, and then the Suwannee River on the way to the Gulf of Mexico.

[4115 Little Viking Road, Rubber Tire LLC, Lowndes County, GA, Parcel 0144 205A]
4115 Little Viking Road, Rubber Tire LLC, Lowndes County, GA, Parcel 0144 205A in the Lowndes County Tax Assessors Maps.

[Map: Grand Bay to Alapaha River, ARWT]
Map: Grand Bay to Alapaha River, in the WWALS map of the Alapaha River Water Trail (ARWT).

That former detention pond site is actually parcel 0144 205A now, and it’s at 4115 Little Viking Road. They also don’t tell the taxpayers and voters or people downstream where the new detention area is.

HISTORY, FACTS AND ISSUES: Map 0144 Parcel 205 owned by Rubber Tire, LLC was originally designed for the entire lot to be one of the detention areas for Roswell Place Subdivision and has been the detention area since the subdivision was built. Rubber Tire, LLC had the detention area redesigned, approved, and constructed so the lot could become a buildable lot. Lowndes County will need to Quit Claim the existing detention area back to Rubber Tire, LLC and accept a drainage easement for the new detention area from Rubber Tire, LLC.

For the Lowndes County Commission agenda, see this LAKE blog post.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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