Tag Archives: alligator

Pictures: Departing Floyd’s Island, Okefenokee Swamp 2023-11-05

We got up early enough to see the sun rise above the outhouse on the east side of Floyds Island. I got some pictures of the inside of Hebard Cabin, built in 1925 after the logging was finished. A few of us made a side trip over to Billys Island to see the Lee Cemetery and the few remains of the logging boom town. With alligators and turtles, of course.

[Departing Floyd's Island, Okefenokee Swamp 2023-11-05, Plus Minnies Lake and Billys Island]
Departing Floyd’s Island, Okefenokee Swamp 2023-11-05, Plus Minnies Lake and Billys Island

This was all on the Floyds Island Campout and Suwannee River Paddle in the Okefenokee Swamp, November 4-5, 2023.

See also pictures from the previous day. And facebook photosets by Continue reading

Pictures: Arriving Floyd’s Island, Okefenokee Swamp 2023-11-04

Update 2023-11-19: Floyds Island 1838, Hebard Cabin 1925, Okefenokee Swamp 1925-01-01.

Alligators and pitcher plants on the Suwannee River to Floyds Island, logging railroad, Indian mound, and tents there, and somebody fell over in a chair.

[IG: Collage, SCFSP to Floyds Island, Okefenokee Swamp, 2023-11-04]
IG: Collage, SCFSP to Floyds Island, Okefenokee Swamp, 2023-11-04

People came to the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge from as far away as Miami, Alabama, South Carolina, Savannah, and Atlanta, as well as from Williston, White Springs, Pearson, Douglas, and Hahira.

Thanks to Shirley Kokidko for organizing, and for Randy Madison for leading when Shirley could not go. Continue reading

Pictures: Banks Lake Full Hunters Moon Paddle 2023-10-28

That was possibly the best full moon view ever, at the Banks Lake Full Hunters Moon Paddle 2023-10-28, just after the Costume Contest.

[Banners, Sunset, Moonrise, Jupiter, Bats, Banks Lake Full Hunters Moon 2023-10-28]
Banners, Sunset, Moonrise, Jupiter, Bats, Banks Lake Full Hunters Moon 2023-10-28

The moon rose before the sun was set.

Jupiter was halfway between the moon and the horizon.

Bats were visible and audible (and smellable) in the cypress trees, even though they said it was too chilly to come out.

For humans the temperature was delightful.

All that and the return of Elizabeth Brunner, who had not joined us since I think January!

Thanks to Banks Lake Outdoors for free boat rental for these WWALS Full Moon Paddles.

Thanks to Kimberly Godden Tanner for hosting, including getting the key from Banks Lake Outdoors, distributing the boats, and getting people signed in.

Thanks to Elizabeth Brunner for leading, including the safety lecture and showing people around on the lake.

Thanks to Lisa Adkins Montisano for some additional pictures.

There are more pictures below.

See also facebook photosets by: Continue reading

Alligator, Church, Peoples Bridge, Suwannee River –Ken Sulak 1880-07-13

Ken Sulak has more about Peoples Bridge on the Suwannee River, including the church the bridge was built for, and when an alligator ate a man in 1880.

Apparently this was a little-known peril of deer hunting. Of course, alligator attacks on humans are very rare: that’s why this one was news.

[Alligator story, Oak Grove Baptist Church, Peoples Bridge]
Alligator story, Oak Grove Baptist Church, Peoples Bridge

I have contacted the Oak Grove Baptist Church, still in existence continuously from the 1870s. The contact person knew nothing about the long gone People’s Bridge 1.2 mi due West from the church. She referred my inquiry to the pastor, unfortunately very new and from up north. So, he knows nothing about the old history. I was hoping the church maintained an archive, or a birth-death-burial log, or an annotated master bible. No luck on that so far.

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Tickets: Floyd’s Island Okefenokee Camping, 2022-11-19

Update 2022-11-08: Tickets for the Refuge fee:
Because of the time change from DST to EST, the sun will set at 5:30 PM, so Shirley has moved the gather and launch times an hour earlier, to “give everyone time to get to Floyd’s and set up camp before it gets dark. Saturday we will be on the water by 9 a.m. so come early enough (8 AM) to have your boat loaded. Remember to have a bow line on your kayak to tie off at Minnie’s Shelter, the only rest stop. It may also come in handy if we have to get out and drag through low spots. If we want a campfire, it helps to carry firewood. I’ll bring some that we can divide up and everyone can carry a piece or two. Sunday will be a leisurely launch time.”

This is primitive, wilderness camping and paddling at its best.

To come on this outing be sure that you are comfortable paddling your loaded boat for 9 miles against a moderate current with only 1 stopping point to get out for a break. Minnie’s Lake platform is the 4 mile lunch stop, then 5 more miles to Floyd’s Island.

Yes, there will be alligators in the heart of the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge.

[Gator and kayak]
Gator and kayak

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Floyd’s Island Okefenokee Camping, 2022-11-19

Update 2022-11-09: Refuge fee tickets and start a hour earlier.

This is primitive, wilderness camping and paddling at its best.

To come on this outing be sure that you are comfortable paddling your loaded boat for 9 miles against a moderate current with only 1 stopping point to get out for a break. Minnie’s Lake platform is the 4 mile lunch stop, then 5 more miles to Floyd’s Island.

Yes, there will be alligators in the heart of the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge.

[Gator and kayak]
Gator and kayak

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Pictures: Nice day for a portage around Big Shoals, Suwannee River 2021-05-19

Four is enough for a fun Suwannee River paddle and portage around Big Shoals. Thanks to Bobby McKenzie for leading us.

[Put In, Portage, Big Shoals, Bell Springs Run, Little Shoals, US 41]
Put In, Portage, Big Shoals, Bell Springs Run, Little Shoals, US 41

There are many more pictures on the WWALS website, with copies on facebook.

Dennis Price will lead us through the same stretch on Continue reading

Pictures: Banks Lake Full Strawberry Moon 2022-06-14

Many different paddlers and boats all had a fine time at the Banks Lake Full Strawberry Moon Paddle 2022-06-14.

Thanks to Elizabeth Brunner for leading that one.

[Banners, paddlers, gator, sunset, moonrise]
Banners, paddlers, gator, sunset, moonrise

The next one is: Continue reading

Holton Creek to Dowling Park River Camp, Suwannee River –DB Marsh 2022-03-23

Update 2022-03-28: Peacock Springs to Suwannee, FL, Suwannee River 2022-03-28.

He’s made it to Dowling Park River Camp on the Suwannee River: Danny “DB” Marsh on his thousand mile loop from Fernandina Beach and back. When he gets cell service, he updates his website.

[Big Shoals, Woods Ferry, Eddies, Holton Creek River Camp]
Big Shoals, Woods Ferry, Eddies, Holton Creek River Camp

He’s having the usual kind of river misadventures. This is an example of why it’s usually not a good idea to boat alone.

About 1 AM it was about time to make camp. I pulled up to a steep bank next to the I-75 Bridge. I stepped off the kayak onto what I thought was a white sand bank. It was not sand at all, but very slippery white clay. My feet went out from under me and in the next instant I was swimming.

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Single paddler down the Suwannee River 2022-03-17

Update 2022-03-23: Holton Creek to Dowling Park River Camp, Suwannee River –DB Marsh 2022-03-23.

Danny “DB” Marsh is paddling a thousand mile loop from Fernandina Beach and back. He is currently at Woods Ferry River Camp on the Suwannee River, where I just talked to him on the telephone.

[Paddling the Suwannee]
Paddling the Suwannee

He bypassed the Okefenokee Swamp because he didn’t realize how far in advance you have to reserve sleeping platforms. So he put in on the Suwannee at Fargo. Like many of us, he hopes that nice welcome center reopens some time soon.

He is from Montana, and is still amazed by alligators.

“To this Montana boy, seeing them up close and free is a mixture of amazement, joy and terror at the same time. They however wanted nothing to do with me, and would dive from their riverbanks into the water with huge splashes to watch me pass from their safety of the water. I counted 13 that day, I’m sure many more were unseen.”

[Fargo Welcome Center vacant]
Fargo Welcome Center vacant

He has solar panels to recharge his electronics, but it’s nice to get to a River Camp with electricity, so he appreciates the Suwannee River Wilderness Trail. Continue reading