Tag Archives: Colquitt County

Poster for the Third Annual BIG Little River Paddle Race 2015-05-16

300x388 Poster, in BIG Little River Paddle Race (Third Annual), by WWALS, 16 May 2015 Pregistration remains open throughout April for the May 16th paddle race at Reed Bingham State Park, to benefit WWALS and FORBS. Sunshine, great blue herons, turtles, and good fun.

Bret Wagenhorst says:

Feel free to share it with whomever might be interested and to post it on the web or on walls wherever it might get some attention.

You can register online, or print the registration form at that link and mail in with a check. Preregistration lasts through April ($20 per boat plus $5/vehicle park entrance fee).

The price goes up after May 1st or at the event ($30/boat plus $5/vehicle), 8AM Saturday morning May 16th 2015 at Red Roberts Landing on Rountree Bridge Road off I-75 Exit 41.

Printable PDF.

JPG image: Continue reading

South Georgia pipeline plan fuels fight –AJC

Atlanta is surrounded by pipelines, says the AJC reporter and photographer who came to to Dougherty, Colquitt, and Lowndes Counties in February.

Dan Chapman, AJC, 3 April 2015, South Georgia pipeline plan fuels fight,

300x225 Dan Chapman and Don Thieme at Cherry Creek Sink, in Sinkholes near the Withlacoochee River, by John S. Quarterman, for WWALS.net, 18 February 2015 Valdosta — Southwest Georgia is roiling mad over a proposed gas pipeline to Florida that virtually nobody in Atlanta, except Ted Turner, has heard about.

Electric Light & Power has more of the text: Continue reading

Third Annual BIG Little River Paddle Race

Saturday May 16th 2015 at Reed Bingham State Park, 300x388 Flyer, in Third Annual BIG Little River Paddle Race, by John S. Quarterman, for WWALS.net, 16 May 2015 you can join the annual fun paddling down our south Georgia blackwater Little River past herons and alligators to the lake in Reed Bingham State Park, between Adel and Moultrie, equidistant from Tifton and Valdosta.

You can register online or at the event.


Regional aquifers crossed, according to Sabal Trail

300x388 Figure 2.2-1, in Regional Aquifers Crossed by the Sabal Trail Project, by John S. Quarterman, for SpectraBusters.org, 20 February 2015 Sabal Trail seems to have a very constrained idea of the Floridan Aquifer that doesn’t include areas in for example Colquitt, Brooks, and Lowndes County that USGS says are in the Floridan Aquifer. But at least Sabal Trail is admitting its fracked methane pipeline would cross numerous aquifer systems.

Filed with FERC 2015-02-20 as Accession Number: 20150220-5131, “Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC submits supplemental information on adopted alternatives and information on other reroutes and modifications under CP15-17.” PDF. Continue reading

WWALS Goals for 2014

A surprising number of the Board’s nine goals for 2014 have been accomplished, and some new ones have already been added. What goals should WWALS have for 2015?

Goals accomplished include becoming an IRS 501(c)(3) and raising money for and purchasing insurance. Some we’ve been doing right along: cleanups, including Rivers Alive. Some are so much the core of what WWALS does that we didn’t even list them as goals, but we’ve been doing them anyway: monthly outings and indoor events.

The later-added goal of the Alapaha River Water Trail is Continue reading

Valdosta in Moultrie discussing flooding Saturday

Did the Withlacoochee River floods the Valdosta City Council all the way to Moultrie to discuss a levee? A levee proposed by the Army Corps of Engineers is top of Valdosta’s retreat agenda tomorrow and Sunday, 10-11 January 2014, at Sundown Farms Plantation, 894 Mack Dekle Road, Moultrie, GA 31768.

Joe Adgie wrote for the VDT 8 January 2014, Valdosta City Council retreating in Moultrie, Continue reading

Water testing certification at Reed Bingham this Saturday 2015-01-10

Thanks to Margaret Tyson. See also PDF. -jsq

Chemical and
Workshop 300x400 Sign up, in GA Adopt-A-Stream at Reed Bingham, by GOLDEN TRIANGLE RC&D, for WWALS.net, 10 January 2015

Reed Bingham State Park
January 10th, 2015
9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

This is a registration only event.
Register by calling
at 229-723-3841 or
Email j.shutters@yahoo.com

Together We Can Make A Difference Continue reading

Not in our county, state, or aquifer: Valdosta votes against Sabal Trail pipeline tonight

Tonight at 5:30 PM the Valdosta City Council will vote on a resolution against the Sabal Trail pipeline they discussed Tuesday at their Work Session. Valdosta added a clause about the Floridan Aquifer to the clauses already in the resolution Lowndes County passed Tuesday evening that Valdosta is supporting. Valdosta’s aquifer clause reads:

WHEREAS, the City of Valdosta has concerns regarding any potential effect the proposed pipeline or its construction might have on the Floridan aquifer, the primary source of the drinking water supply for our City, County and the south Georgia area; and

As VSU Prof. Don Thieme remarked yesterday, Continue reading

WWALS signs letter to county commissions opposing the Sabal Trail pipeline

A citizen of Suwannee County, Florida has written a letter to county commissions, starting with her own Suwannee County Commission that meets tonight, and WWALS Watershed Coalition, Inc. has joined the many signers.

The Action letter to County Commissioners against Sabal Trail pipeline begins:

Dear Commissioner,

We are sure that you have heard of the Sabal Trail/Spectra Energy Pipeline and the resolution passed by Hamilton County BOCC August 22, 2014, to prohibit its path through the Withlacoochee River in Hamilton County (link below). It appears that that resolution has been successful. But the problem has not gone away in that Continue reading

Moultrie Observer: WWALS op-ed against Sabal Trail pipeline

Bigger type than the rest of the page, and in the editorial column position: Haley Hyatt, who took these pictures, noticed that about how the Moultrie Observer printed the WWALS op-ed Friday 1 August 2014, as “Much opposition”.

So that’s at least two newspapers so far, the other being the Ocala StarBanner. Continue reading