Tag Archives: Hutchinson Mill Creek

Hutchinson Mill Pond 2020-12-10

What’s upstream on Hutchinson Mill Creek, which joins the Withlacoochee River just upstream (north) of Hagan Bridge on GA 122 in Lowndes County, Georgia?

[Spillway, Hutchinson Pond, 16:22:31, 31.0554820, -83.3514000]
Spillway, Hutchinson Pond, 16:22:31, 31.0554820, -83.3514000

Hutchinson Pond, in Cook County on Caulie Harris Road, presumably at the site of Hutchinson Mill Pond. Continue reading

Hagan Bridge, Franklinville, Withlacoochee River 2018-02-11

Two new fallers, an unscheduled creek upstream and confluences of several more downstream, the Withlacoochee River Roundabout, (some around it twice), a nice drizzle, and a fine time was had by 19 paddlers from 2 years old to 70-plus on the balmy winter Withlacoochee River, Sunday, February 11, 2018.

paddlers and banners

I am worried, though, since Continue reading

Old Coffee Road, Georgia

The Google map of locations on Old Coffee Road was used by many of the early settlers of south central Georgia, including in the watersheds of the Willacoochee, Alapaha, Withlacoochee, and Little Rivers and Okapilco Creek. It crossed all those and other waterways by ford or private ferry: there were no bridges back then.

Old Coffee Road map, WWALS.net
Follow this link for the interactive google map.

The Georgia Historical Commission erected markers at half a dozen locations in the 1950s and 1960, reading: Continue reading

GA 122 @ Withlacoochee River 2017-05-17

A clearcut near the Withlacoochee River at GA 122 in Lowndes County, Georgia, led to some visual observations.

School bus heading west
School bus westbound on Hagan Bridge over the Withlacoochee River.

The clearcut starts east of the river and west of Hambrick Road. Here you can see the entrance to it from GA 122: Continue reading

Hutchinson Mill Creek at Withlacoochee River, GA 122

Deadfalls on this creek, backing up flood waters onto Skipper Bridge Road forcing a bridge to close in 2009, Movie: Hutchinson Mill Creek (2.0M) 31.0155182, -83.3020477 were one reason for the formation of WWALS. Here are some pictures and a very brief movie.

In a typical day for a Waterkeeper®, starting slow after a road trip to Atlanta the previous day with several Riverkeepers and other environmental organizations, I was preparing for the movie in Live Oak Friday evening when I got a message from Noelani Mathews wanting an interview about the pipeline movie. As I threw a kayak in the truck, the Yellow Dog hopped in, and Continue reading