Tag Archives: Mark Wisenbaker

Mark Wisenbaker donated a canoe to WWALS 2022-09-23

Many thanks to Mark Wisenbaker for donating an 18-foot Mohawk fiberglass canoe to WWALS.

[Donation and canoe: thanks, Mark Wisenbaker]
Donation and canoe: thanks, Mark Wisenbaker

Mark and his grandson Parker Jones helped load and secure the canoe, and then posed with it and the WWALS and Suwannee Riverkeeper banners.

I gave Mark a Suwannee Riverkeeper hat, which you can see he’s wearing, a Suwannee River Bass t-shirt, and a thank-you letter written by WWALS E.D. Gretchen Quarterman.

We’re going to have to build a bigger boat rack.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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Hotchkiss Road Landing, Old State Road, and Naylor Boat Ramp

Common question: isn’t Hotchkiss closed? Answer: the old Hotchkiss Landing in Lowndes County is closed, private, and don’t go there! Caution! But Hotchkiss Road Landing in Lanier County is open as always, do go there to get to the Alapaha River. Boat landing And there’s a new park at US 84, with a Naylor Boat Ramp being built by Lowndes County, as urged by WWALS.

600x450 Bret Wagenhorst, Dave Hetzel, Gretchen Quarterman, at Hotchkiss Road, in Alapaha River Outing, by John S. Quarterman, for WWALS.net, 24 August 2014
Bret Wagenhorst, Dave Hetzel, Gretchen Quarterman, at Hotchkiss Road (open, do go there Boat landing), in Alapaha River Outing, by John S. Quarterman, for WWALS.net, 24 August 2014.

Previously there was some discussion of using a different name for Hotchkiss Road Landing in the Alapaha River Water Trail, but then nobody would know what we were referring to, since that’s what it’s always been called, down at the end of Hotchkiss Road off of US 84.

For those relatively new to WWALS, WWALS was heavily involved in Continue reading

Videos: WWALS asks Lowndes County to invite Army Corps of Engineers to investigate Sabal Trail discrepancies @ LCC 2016-04-12

Delivered to the Lowndes County Commission Tuesday 12 April 2016 on paper and then by email (PDF, plus 1-page Suwannee County, FL request to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and 28-page WWALS invitation to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), following up from two previous addresses to the same Commission.

See also the Carter Way item in that same Commission meeting, also related to Sabal Trail. Continue reading