Tag Archives: Sheriff

Pictures: Long Alapaha Outing, GA 135 to GA 168 2016-02-20

You never know on our blackwater rivers in south Georgia and north Florida. The danger! The thrill of the rapids!

After WWALS banner by Gretchen Quarterman OK, it was actually more like paddling on a lake with a current. The hardest part was when the wind picked up against us a few times. Sometimes we heard what sounded like rapids, but it was just flotsam lodged against oak trees.

But that’s the point: you really never know until you’re on the water, and on a trip like this with no good takeout until the end of the 18.25 miles, being prepared it much better than not.

The current did make for Continue reading

Expert paddlers get ready for Long Alapaha River Paddle, GA 135 to GA 168 (Berrien Beach) 2016-02-20

Update 2016-02-21: Actually it took 6 hours. Here are some pictures.

The water is high and fast, so expert paddlers only, arrive by 8AM at GA 135 (Atkinson County side), and be ready so we can shuttle quickly and get on the Alapaha River as soon as possible. 2015-02-19 to 2016-02-19 It’s a long way and we need to be off the river before dark. Berrien County Sheriff, game warden, and emergency response have all been advised of this trip, but expert paddlers only, please. As always, bring personal flotation devices, warm layers of clothes, drinking water, food, and a change of dry clothes. There is no good place to take out before the end point, so be prepared to paddle all day.

The USGS Gauge at Alapaha, GA shows 9.41 feet this morning, which is a good level. The Statenville gauge shows 17.32, which while well below flood level is also well above our usual recommended high of 9 feet. That Statenville gauge is quite a few river miles (56 miles) below our takeout point at GA 168, so the main bulk of rainfall in the river has apparently already moved downstream. But the water is very high and very fast. You will come up on any deadfalls or overhanging limbs quite quickly. Expert paddlers only. There are many other outings and events coming up that are much better suited for other paddlers.

2015-02-19 to 2016-02-19

Continuing our exploration of the entire Alapaha River Water Trail, Tall from Willacoochee we’re into the longer stretches, including this one.

Events: facebook, meetup.

When: 8AM Saturday 20 February 2016

Put In: GA 135, MILE 106.5, Atkinson County side, 2.8 miles south of Willacoochee, GA, Atkinson County.

Take Out: GA 168 (Berrien Beach), MILE 88.24, N side of GA 168, west side of Alapaha River; float downstream under the bridge to the sand beaches, Berrien County

Duration: 18.25 miles. This paddle could take as long as 9-10 hrs.

Shuttle: Probably more than 30 minutes due to distance.

End time: Around 6PM. Yes, really all day.

Responsible party: Chris Mericle

This outing is Free! But we encourage you to join WWALS today to support our fun outings and important work: https://wwals.net/donations/. Continue reading

Stranded campers rescued from Alapaha River above GA 135 2016-01-16

This is why WWALS recommends filing a float plan, or in this case, a hiking and camping plan. Boaters

WALB News Team, 17 January 2016, Campers rescued from rising floodwater, warning issued,

BERRIEN CO., GA (WALB) – The Berrien County Sheriff is sending a warning to residents to stay off the Alapaha River.

“Its not a good time to be camping out on the river,” said Sheriff Anthony Heath.

Image About 11 a.m. on Sunday, four Berrien County campers had to be rescued after they were surrounded by rising floodwaters. A father, his daughter, son, and son’s girlfriend hiked downstream and set up camp at the Alapaha River bridge near state Route 135, south of Willacoochee.

The VDT says they camped on Saturday, and were found the next day. Terry Richards, Valdosta Daily Times, 19 January 2016, page 8A, Stranded campers réscued, Continue reading