Like me, you may be wondering what is going on at Suwannee Springs since I first reported on the debris there after the July 2020 flooding. In January 2021, the answer was SRWMD would finishing removing the debris “in a few weeks, not months.”
Unfortunately, then there was repeated flooding, and in between floods the COVID-19 pandemic interfered.
So yesterday I asked again, and today Edwin McCook took this picture:
Flooding on the Suwannee River at Suwannee Springs on 9/23/2021. Suwannee; Springs gauge 53.86′. Photo: Edwin McCook, SRWMD
As you can see, the river water is close to the top of the spring wall.
Edwin says once the water recedes, the Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD) will continue planning to remove the debris. They had already reviewed options back in January, so they have a leg up on that planning.
More when I know more.
Meanwhile, the Suwannee Springs USGS gauge reads 53.86′.
That’s well below flood stage, which is 60′. However, you can see by the picture that working inside the spring wall would be difficult with the water that high. Continue reading