Monthly Archives: July 2015

Funding needed for Okapilco Creek gage

In USGS Groundwater Data for Georgia:

The following streamgage will be shut down on July 31, 2015 unless alternative funding can be found:

  • 02318700 Okapilco Creek at Georgia Highway 333, near Quitman, Georgia

For questions regarding this threatened streamgage, please contact Tony Gotvald at (678) 924-6648 or


Adopted 2015 Goals, WATERKEEPER, Valdosta Wastewater: WWALS Board Videos and Minutes 2015-04-08

In April the WWALS board approved a dozen goals for 2015, reviewed upcoming outings and the since-approved WATERKEEPER® Affiliate application, as well as the Valdosta Wastewater and pipeline situations, and moved ahead on planning for the since-solidified Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail Committee, while adding to a couple of committees. Here are the Minutes of the 8 April 2015 WWALS Quarterly Board Meeting approved at last night’s Board Meeting, and videos of that April meeting.

Here’s a video playlist:

Adopted 2015 Goals, WATERKEEPER, Valdosta Wastewater:
WWALS Board Videos and Minutes 2015-04-08
Videos by Gretchen Quarterman for WWALS Watershed Coalition (WWALS),
IHOP, Adel, Cook County County, Georgia.


Spectra hires new lobbying firm in Atlanta for Sabal Trail

A Spectra is haunting Atlanta!

Apparently Spectra is feeling the heat about its proposed Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline and has pushed the revolving door to get some lobbyists in Atlanta. We tried to warn you that you are surrounded, Atlanta!

So much for FERC being the only deciding body. Don’t forget to sign the Petition to GA Gov. Deal to oppose Sabal Trail pipeline.

Greg Bluestein, AJC Insider, 7 July 2015, Trio of bipartisan Atlanta lobbyists opening up new shop, Continue reading

Douglas again for Suwannee-Satilla Regional Water Planning Council 2015-07-1520

From Leigh Askew Elkins of UGA via GRN, same city as last month, different venue:

The Suwannee — Satilla Regional Water Council will convene on Monday, July 20, 2015 at 10:00am in the meeting room in Aniston’s Restaurant, 1404 W. Baker Highway, Douglas, GA. Registration will begin at 9:30am. Among other things, the Council will affirm its plans for enhancing inter-council planning and for engaging key implementing actors. The Council will also discuss its recommendations for plan revisions.

Seems like it’s time for them to say something about the Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline, and about the shale basin under our Floridan Aquifer. Maybe WWALS will send something to them about that.


Confluence of the Little and Withlacoochee Rivers

Julie Bowland posted on facebook (reposted here with permission):

300x225 Upstream from GA 133, in Confluence of the Little and Withlacoochee Rivers, by Julie Bowland, for, 2 July 2015 Paddled for a couple hours this morning around and downstream from the confluence of the Little and Withlacoochee Rivers…just a couple miles from my house. Forgot to bring a canvas so just played with some mixed media drawing. Fun!

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