Florida state regulators grant hearing at unknown data for WWALS v. Sabal Trail –Palm Beach Post

You’ve mostly been hearing about WWALS v. Sabal Trail lately because of all the news coverage related to the petition to FL-DEP, which is great. STA. 13083+00 TO STA. 13136+00, GA-FL Line, Hamilton Co., FL, Jumping Gulley Creek But of course WWALS does a lot more than that and WWALS has been around before anybody ever heard of Sabal Trail.

Susan Salisbury, Palm Beach Post, 4 September 2015, State regulators grant hearing to anti-pipeline group,

WWALS Watershed coalition and WWALS-Florida which advocate for conservation of Suwannee River and other rivers in south Georgia and North Florida believe the proposed pipeline is not in the public interest and could have severe adverse effects on fish, wildlife, public recreation and navigation.

The pipeline would also go through the fragile karst limestone containing drinking water in the Floridan Aquifer, which also supplies the springs important to Florida’s tourism, WWALS said.

The Sabal Trail pipeline will enter the state at the Florida-Georgia line in Hamilton County…

Actually that should be “would enter if built” and the groundswell of opposition in Florida and Georgia aims to stop the unnecessary, destructive, and hazardous Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline.

STA. 13083+00 TO STA. 13136+00, GA-FL Line, Hamilton Co., FL, Jumping Gulley Creek

…and go through Suwanee, Gilchrist, Alachua, Levy, Citrus, Marion, Sumter, Lake, Polk, Orange and Oseola counties. It will terminate at the the interconnection with Florida Southeast Connection Pipeline at the Central Florida Hub in Osceola County.

DEP also said WWALS’ allegations regarding a conflict of interest because Florida Gov. Rick Scott reportedly owns a financial interest in Spectra, the parent company of Sabal Trail Transmissions, are not material. Scott is a member of the Board of Trustees of Florida’s Internal Improvement Trust Fund, which owns the submerged lands being affected by the proposed pipeline.

Hamilton County resident and WWALS-FL registered agent Chris Mericle said,

“We cannot continue to carve up our countryside like a cheap piece of meat and sell it to the highest bidder.”

The Sunshine State can go straight to solar power.


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3 thoughts on “Florida state regulators grant hearing at unknown data for WWALS v. Sabal Trail –Palm Beach Post

  1. terre

    Where are the people of Florida? Haven’t we learned from our mistake in RE electing this governor who has demonstrated his allegiance only to other wealthy business people like himself?

  2. Pingback: FERC meetings for Draft Environmental Impact Statement 28 Sep 2015 – 8 Oct 2015 | SpectraBusters

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