My phone’s pedometer said I walked four miles of the six miles of this section of the Little River, with many fish, two white birds, lots of sand bars, some eroded bluffs, not a lot of trash after we got beyond the GA 76 bridge, and only one spot of invasive species (Japanese climbing fern).
This section would be better with about half a foot more water. The USGS GA 122 Little River gage showed about 3.71 feet for July 10th 2016, so let’s say at least 4.2 feet would be good. This is because there are many sand bars, including one directly upstream from the GA 122 bridge, where the water level is much closer to zero when that gage says 3.71.
Following up a report, Phil Hubbard and John S. Quarterman boated (and walked) from Cook County Landing at GA 76 down to GA 122. This is about 5.9 river miles, which should take about three hours to paddle. We put in about 9:20 AM and took out about 1:45 PM, so that’s around 4 and a half hours on the river. Not a bad way to spend a summer morning on the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail.
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Public Boat Ramp, DNR, Wildlife Resources Div., 31.0427856, -83.4922790
Little River at Cook County Landing, 31.0396538, -83.4930725
Beach, 31.0376606, -83.4916458
Trash, 31.0376606, -83.4916458
Rope swing, 31.0376606, -83.4916458
Beach again, 31.0372314, -83.4915848
Phil Hubbard on the rocks, 31.0367164, -83.4915390
Movie: Sand, rocks, and river (1.3M)
Tannic tea-colored river water
Movie: Phil about to get out of his boat (1.7M)
Table leg stuck in river bottom, 31.0366535, -83.4910660
Table leg2, 31.0366535, -83.4910660
Narrow tea-colored river water, 31.0367622, -83.4905166
Phil still floating, 31.0367622, -83.4905166
Phil at a creek, 31.0355380, -83.4897100
Creek coming from Brooks County, 31.0355377, -83.4897003
Culvert or tires in creek? 31.0354824, -83.4896698
Heading downstream, 31.0354824, -83.4896927
Sun and shade 31.0321693, -83.4791500
Phil gliding along, 31.0349960, -83.4847270
Narrowing, 31.0349960, -83.4847259
Trash under deadfall, 31.0339432, -83.4834061
Beer can in bottom, 31.0340290, -83.4832611
Nice water color; could use more of it, 31.0334721, -83.4834900
Bottom furrows, 31.0334892, -83.4834747
Deadfall tunnel, 31.0329132, -83.4822693
Phil trying to float past sand bar, 31.0321693, -83.4791489
Angled deadfall, 31.0322208, -83.4777984
Yellow tea water, 31.0322037, -83.4778137
More yellow water, 31.0322037, -83.4778137
Tangled deadfalls below Pine Bluff
Striated bottom, 31.0319328, -83.4755783
Tracks on the bottom? 31.0319328, -83.4755783
More bottom tracks, 31.0319328, -83.4755783
Phil walking in boat, 31.0312614, -83.4771423
More bluff downstream, KIMG6092 31.0312600, -83.4771495
Eroded neck of Pine Bluff, 31.0312710, -83.4771423
Bluff right, 31.0312824, -83.4771194
Pine Bluff neck panorama, 31.0312824, -83.4771199
Phil heading downstream from Pine Bluff, 31.0312824, -83.4771199
Phil on around the bluff, 31.0312519, -83.4771499
Phil around the bend, 31.0306682, -83.4767303
The bend, 31.0306606, -83.4766464
Deadfall wedged in live trees, 31.0307560, -83.4765243
Green between, 31.0307560, -83.4765243
Phil dragging boat, 31.0314751, -83.4734649
Fish bed just above Wells Mill Creek, 31.0309906, -83.4735107
Closeup fish bed, 31.0310821, -83.4734497
Fish above fish bed, 31.0311069, -83.4735412
Frothy fish bed, 31.0310802, -83.4735412
Bottom ripples below fish bed, 31.0310802, -83.4735412
Fence below bluff, 31.0296612, -83.4736786
Yellow bottom, 31.0298271, -83.4732056
Fish swimming, 31.0298271, -83.4732056
Phil made it through the narrows, 31.0297718, -83.4731521
Tire on sand bar, 31.0291042, -83.4728699
Phil walking his boat, 31.0290565, -83.4728622
And a bend to the right, 31.0294830, -83.4724884
Boat floating by itself, 31.0294838, -83.4724884
Trash by log, 31.0295086, -83.4725036
Fish bed below log, 31.0282650, -83.4706650
Bottle on sand, 31.0282650, -83.4706650
Log across, 31.0297832, -83.4688034
Right bank sand over log, left bank eroded bluff, 31.0297756, -83.4687881
Tree in stream, 31.0285358, -83.4682312
Tree, tea colors, 31.0285339, -83.4682464
Phil turning to the left, 31.0283546, -83.4695650
Bluff, fence, and clouds, 31.0283546, -83.4695663
Left sand bar, Phil, right bluff with fence, 31.0279910, -83.4699114
Fallen fence posts, 31.0279910, -83.4699110
Phil poling through, 31.0269623, -83.4698334
Fence posts barely hanging on the bluff
Sand becomes woods, 31.0246610, -83.4711400
Building on bluff, 31.0246620, -83.4711456
Rope in boat, 31.0246658, -83.4711075
Japanese climbing fern below building
Closeup, Japanese climbing fern, 31.0236664, -83.4716339
Broken outdoor oven in river, 31.0236664, -83.4716339
Right around the sand, 31.0344444, -83.4766667
Phil below the blazing sand bluff, 31.0344444, -83.4766667
Apparently only native vegetation, 31.0217037, -83.4679031
Tangled deadfalls, 31.0212288, -83.4678268
Phil surveys the tangles, 31.0212097, -83.4678039
Phil under a downed tree, 31.0203390, -83.4671020
Under the tree, 31.0203388, -83.4671020
Branch sawed off, 31.0203382, -83.4671020
Sawed branch in water, 31.0203381, -83.4671020
House on left bank, 31.0197760, -83.4666290
Left bank house, 31.0197754, -83.4666290
Green glare, 31.0196438, -83.4665680
Looks like clear boating, 31.0192833, -83.4663849
Phil below a left bank bluff, 31.0159820, -83.4668770
Paddling to the left, 31.0161343, -83.4673843
Sign on tree, 31.0168018, -83.4682541
Small dry creek? 31.0168018, -83.4682541
Sharp left bend, 31.0125960, -83.4663840
Many deadfalls, 31.0124400, -83.4661090
Two birds, 31.0123615, -83.4660034
Two birds closeup, 31.0123615, -83.4660034
Phil boating again, 31.0086918, -83.4645157
Same birds farther down, 31.0075207, -83.4634476
Meetinghouse Branch Keep Out, 31.0071650, -83.4625270
Keep Out Meetinghouse Branch, 31.0071650, -83.4625270
Just enough water here, 31.0016918, -83.4573364
GA 122 bridge in sight, 31.0012350, -83.4571120
Cook County Landing, 31.0401115, -83.4931030
DeWitt Farms, No Trespassing, 31.0278320, -83.4811859
Vegetables bedded, 31.0198326, -83.4770889
Blease Road Closed, Bridge Out, 31.0062675, -83.4715271
Little River Groceries, 8235 GA 122, Hahira, GA 31632, 30.9969597, -83.4403229
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