Down at the designation of the new Jennings Bluff State Geological Site with Dead River Sink 2023-03-17 the Florida Geological Survey (FGS) was giving out links to a report on the Alapaha Swallets Dye Trace Project.
That’s where FGS, FDEP, and SRWMD put fluorescent green dye in the Dead River Sink, back on June 22, 2016, and watched for it to come back up.
As you can see by the graph, the dye came back up four days later in the ALapaha River Rise, and eight days later in Holton Creek Rise.
The report is available on the FDEP website and also on the WWALS website.
Alapaha Swallets Dye Trace Project
SRWMD Contract #15/16-027
DEP Grant No. FC459
Prepared for:
Suwannee River Water Management
District 9225 County Road 49
Live Oak, FL 32060
Tom Greenhalgh, P.G. 1277
Karlee Fowler
Department of Environmental Protection
Florida Geological Survey
3000 Commonwealth Blvd., Suite 1
Tallahassee, FL 32302
October 2016
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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