Category Archives: PR

Press Release

Winner: Raptor, flower, paddling organization, tree base: Within These WWALS #6 2020-05-16

The winner of Within These WWALS #6 is…

Emmy Kidder.

She wins a packet of WWALS photo notecards from that watershed, sent via postal mail from WWALS charter board member Bret Wagenhorst.

Swamps and Springs WWALS picture notecards

Here are the answers to Within These WWALS #6.

Name this native raptor that can dive into water and catch live fish, has white under its wings making it easier to identify from below, and builds its nests atop trees over bodies of water, like this one shown atop a cypress at dusk.

Osprey, Pandion haliaetus.

We paddle by this nest most every time on our Banks Lake Full Moon paddles. The next one is coming up Continue reading

Winner: Butterfly, bridge, pointy, flower, what river? Within These WWALS #5 2020-05-09

The winner of Within These WWALS #5 is…

Sara Jones.

She gets a packet of Withlacoochee and Little River picture notecards from the WWALS photo notecards, sent via postal mail from WWALS charter board member Bret Wagenhorst.

WWALS Withlacoochee and Little River picture notecards

Lots people who were on #PaddleGA2019 knew Spook Bridge, but apparently the plant spooked them. Continue reading

Winner: Within These Walls Contest 4 2020-05-02

The winner of Within These WWALS number 4 is: Deanna Mericle.

She gets a packet of WWALS picture notecards from the WWALS online store.

The underwater plant is:

Eel grass, Zostera marina.

[1 Plant]
1 Plant

Nope, not wild rice, Zizania aquatica, which usually sticks up above water.

Florida State Parks does say both occur in the subject stream.

The bird is: Continue reading

WWALS Trivia Online 2020-05-19

Update 2020-05-18: facebook event.

Tuesday at 7PM, May 19, 2020, you can join new WWALS board member Shelby Miller for a half hour of fun online, as she conducts the first-ever WWALS Trivia Online!

Shelby will introduce each multiple-choice question about rivers, shoals, and other things in the WWALS Watersheds, which include the entire Suwannee River Basin. You get 20 seconds to answer. Fastest right answer wins that question.

[Yay winner!]
Photo: John S. Quarterman, Yay winner! Shelby Miller drawing the winning WWALS kayak raffle ticket, at Griffis Fish Camp, Suwannee River 2019-12-07

Follow this link to Register for WWALS Trivia Online.

Yes, this is different from Continue reading

Raptor, flower, paddling organization, tree base: Within These WWALS #6

Update 2020-05-30: The winner.

Many of you saw many of these things just a few days ago, or saw pictures of them taken by those who were there.

So you can answer Within These WWALS #6, using this form:

[Bird, flower, org, base]
Bird, flower, org, base

Please answer by midnight at the end of Saturday, May 16, 2020.

Please identify (by scientific or common name) each of the items highlighted in a set of photos and then come up with the name of the WWALS waterway where all the photos were taken. The first correct set of answers wins a packet of WWALS photo notecards from that watershed, sent via postal mail from WWALS charter board member Bret Wagenhorst.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Unprecedented Army Corps virtual Public Meeting about strip mine application near Okefenokee Swamp 2020-05-13


May 7, 2020, Hahira, Georgia — In an apparently unprecedented move, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is holding a “virtual Public Meeting” about a mining application. Suwannee Riverkeeper calls on everyone who can to join this online Public Meeting, for at least a few minutes between 2 and 5 PM on Wednesday, May 13, 2020. This will help show there is substantial controversy about the proposed titanium mine on the doorstep of the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge. That could cause the Corps to at least require an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), or maybe even to deny the permit.

“The Corps needs to know people consider the beauty of the Okefenokee Swamp, and the birding, boating, fishing, and hunting nearby that it provides, to be too important to risk with a strip mine far too close to the Swamp,” said Suwannee Riverkeeper John S. Quarterman. “Everyone down to the Gulf of Mexico should be concerned about this strip mine at the headwaters of the the Suwannee River, and east on the St. Marys River to the Atlantic. Way west at Valdosta, Georgia, exits from I-75 say Okefenokee Swamp this way, so the economic benefits of the Swamp are widespread. People visit the Swamp and the Suwannee from all over the world, and the public outcry needs to be just as widespread.”

[Mine to Gulf and Ocean]
Mine to Gulf and Ocean in the WWALS map of all public landings and boat ramps in the Suwannee River Basin.

Social media event: facebook, meetup. But remember to sign up for the actual Army Corps virtual Public Meeting (see below).

To attend the virtual Public Meeting, first you must RSVP by emailing:
Subject: “RSVP for 13 MAY Public Meeting TPM”

Make sure that you include your full name, email address, and contact phone number with area code.

Before the meeting, you will receive the meeting link and security code. Just click the link and follow the prompts.

The meeting will use the WebEx platform, so go ahead and pick up an app for that, or try out the web interface on your laptop or desktop computer.

All participant lines will be muted in order to maintain audio quality. Moderators will direct questions to the appropriate person during the question and answer session.

Simply joining the meeting will be significant. You can ask your question the WebEx chat, by voice if they call on you. Please at least ask the Corps for an EIS, or to deny the permit application.

You can ask anything, or just say you oppose the mine. If you have a specific logistical or scientific question, please ask it, in such a way that it requires a specific answer. For example: Continue reading

Butterfly, bridge, pointy, flower, what river? Within These WWALS #5 2020-05-05

Update 2020-05-27: The winner.

Anybody who was on #PaddleGA2019 should be able to identify at least two of these items, and the river.

Please answer by midnight at the end of Saturday, May 9, 2020, using this google quiz form:

[Butterfly, Bridge, Flower, Pointy objects]
Butterfly, Bridge, Flower, Pointy objects

Please identify (by scientific or common name) each of the items highlighted in a set of photos and then come up with the name of the WWALS waterway where all the photos were taken. The first correct set of answers wins a packet of WWALS photo notecards from that watershed, sent via postal mail from WWALS charter board member Bret Wagenhorst.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Within These Walls Contest 4 2020-04-27

Update 2020-05-26: the winner.

Please identify (by scientific or common name) each of the items highlighted in a set of photos and then come up with the name of the WWALS waterway where all the photos were taken. The first correct set of answers wins a packet of WWALS photo cards from that watershed.

Here’s the quiz form where you can enter your answers:

[Plant, Bird, Spring, Flower]
Plant, Bird, Spring, Flower

Please answer by midnight at the end of Saturday, May 2, 2020.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Video: Sabrina Deetz; send in your song, Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest

You don’t have to be as high-energy as Sabrina Deetz, but it helps!

Songs are coming in. Send in your song by the deadline of July 8, 2020, for the Third Annual Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest, August 22, 2020, at the Turner Center for the Arts in Valdosta, Georgia:–songwriting/

Photo: Sara and Scotti Jay for WWALS, of Sabrina Deetz singing Take me to the Suwannee at the 2019 Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest.
Photo: Sara and Scotti Jay for WWALS, of Sabrina Deetz singing Take me to the Suwannee at the 2019 Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest.

“Georgia Beer Co. is back as our top-tier sponsor, which helps us get these new songs about our rivers, swamps, springs, and sinks,” said Suwannee Riverkeeper John S. Quarterman.

Finalists will play at the Contest, 6-9 PM, Saturday, August 22, 2020, judges will judge, at the Turner Center for the Arts, 527 N Patterson St, Valdosta, Georgia, 31601. There will be food and a cash bar, as you watch and listen, and you can browse the artworks at the Turner Center. There will also be a kayak raffle and a silent auction, as well as a range of buttons, stickers, hats, notecards, signs, shirts, and posters for sale: this is a fundraiser for WWALS Watershed Coalition.

Facebook event.

Yes, we do have a plan in case stay-at-home for the novel coronavirus pandemic is not over by August. We will Continue reading

Video: Drift in your song, Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest

You can send in your song by the deadline of July 8, 2020, for the Third Annual Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest, August 22, 2020, at the Turner Center for the Arts in Valdosta, Georgia:–songwriting/

Photo: Sara and Scotti Jay for WWALS, of Norene Olsen singing Driftin Down the Suwannee at the 2019 Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest.
Photo: Sara and Scotti Jay for WWALS, of Norene Olsen singing Driftin Down the Suwannee
at the 2019 Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest.

Any genre of music is fine. Any lineup of musicians is good, from full bands to single musicians, to a capella, to even spoken word if you’re really brave.

See the 2020 Official Rules.

And here’s the 2020 Entry Form.

[Third Annual Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest]
Third Annual Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest

Yes, we do have a plan in case stay-at-home for the novel coronavirus pandemic is not over by August. We will take the contest virtual, with finalists playing from their places, judges judging from home, and you watching it all from where you are! But so far we’re planning on being all in one place.

Here’s a video from last year: Continue reading