Tag Archives: Berrien County

Coastal Plain Chapter, Georgia Native Plant Society, 2014-11-15

Plants in our watersheds and along our waterways affect everything from water flow to absorption to water quality to esthetics. This Saturday there’s a conference about that near the Alapaha River.

Annual Meeting, Coastal Plain Chapter, Georgia Native Plant Society,

November 15, 2014 Continue reading

Alapaha River water levels

300x655 Example 2014-11-03, in Alapaha River Water Levels, by John S. Quarterman, for WWALS.net, 3 November 2014 Update 2016-12-23: graphs from water.weather.gov.

Update 2016-05-31: See sea level gage reports.

Update 2015-04-28: Added flood stages and tentative highest safe and lowest boatable water levels, both above the charts for each gauge and in a summary table. If you have data, please let us know.

Here are water level gauges for the Alapaha River in Georgia and Florida, north to south. The graphs should show the current levels at this time, in feet, plus for most of the gauges a bar graph of selected historic levels.

This is a draft of a concept for use with the Alapaha River Water Trail. See also Alapaha River Rainy Season.

It is also a companion to the similar set of graphs for the Withlacoochee and Little Rivers.

See below for the current Alapaha River water level graphs. Continue reading

Berrien Beach at GA 168 on the Alapaha River

300x221 Public access on north side of bridge, with cement strip boat ramp at higher water level but no facilities. Access road is unpaved and about 1/4 mile long. Nice sandy beach., in Berrien Beach at GA 168 on the Alapaha River, by Bret Wagenhorst, for Bret Wagenhorst took these pictures of a well-known Berrien County fishing, swimming, and boating spot 19 September 2014, and posted them in a facebook album. At the GA 168 bridge, access is on the north side, west of the river. To get to the famous sandy beaches, boat downstream south under the bridge.

And don’t forget, farther downstream: Alapaha Sink: WWALS Outing 2PM 26 Oct 2014. Continue reading

1970s Alapaha River Trail

Thanks to Glenn Dowling of Georgia River Network for this flyer from the 1970s for an Alapaha River Trail on “Georgia’s Cleanest River”.


300x343 Georgias Cleanest River, in Canoe Guide to the Alapaha River Trail, by John S. Quarterman, for WWALS.net, 0  1979 CANOE GUIDE
to the
River Trail


State of Adventure


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Alapaha River access at Hwy 82 at very low water

300x179 The cement strip boat ramp is uneven, in Alapaha River access at Hwy 82 at very low water, by Bret Wagenhorst, for WWALS.net, 14 September 2014 Pictures of the location of the Alapaha River Cleanup at US 82, 27 September 2014, taken east of the town of Alapaha at US 82 on the Alapaha River by Bret Wagenhorst.

And this access point is on the Alapaha River Water Trail WWALS is developing.

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Alapaha River Cleanup at US 82, 27 September 2014

300x229 Low water at US 82, in Alapaha River Cleanup @ US 82, by Bret Wagenhorst, for WWALS.net, 27 September 2014 Second WWALS outing this month, this time on land; facebook event.

If you enjoy paddling the Alapaha River, I hope you will consider coming out this Saturday to give back and help clean up along the river’s banks as part of a GA Rivers Alive cleanup. Starts at 0900 at the boat ramp at the Hwy 82 bridge just east of the town of Alapaha. I anticipate the cleanup will last about an hour. Bring work gloves and good cheer.

It is much easier to pick up trash along the banks Continue reading

Lewis Lake pictures and videos –John S. Quarterman @ WWALS 2014-05-17

Dozens of species of birds nest at Lewis Lake in the spring. WWALS went 17 May 2014, to that historic private lake, also known as Avera’s Mill Pond and Lake Lewis. Here’s a video playlist:

And here are some still pictures.


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Outing at Avera’s Mill Pond (Lewis Lake)

Lewis Lake, site of today’s outing at 4PM, is Avera’s Mill Pond. According to Wenda Gaile Bailey, “there was a partial draining of the lake late last year”, but she checked the water level yesterday. Here’s some history, and some pictures from five years ago of what you may see today.

WG Bailey wrote for WG Bailey photos, unknown date, Old Fashioned Pond Draining at Lake Lewis,

Avera’s Mill Pond, the oldest and largest pond in Berrien County, was founded by William M. Avera, son of pioneer, Daniel Avera, covers 1470 acres, and was built in the 1870’s at a cost of $3800.87

The mill dam is located Continue reading

May WWALS Board Meeting at the Gaskins Forest Education Center

Board meetings are open to the public. Board members are listed in www.wwals.net.

Draft Agenda
WWALS Board of Directors
7:00 PM Wednesday May 14 2014
at the Gaskins Forest Education Center,
3359 Moore Sawmill Rd,
Alapaha, GA 31622
Gate opens at 6PM.
  1. Call to Order, Welcome and Introductions
  2. Speaker: Heather Brasell may say a few words about the Gaskins Forest Education Center.
  3. Agenda Review: Additions and Changes
  4. Review and Approval of Minutes
    1. 16 April 2014 Board meeting minutes
  5. Past Meetings and Events Continue reading