So Lowndes County should have no problem asking the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to come investigate what Sabal Trail didn’t tell FERC.
And if the county is concerned about legal expenses, maybe it should pay attention
to the lawsuits happening right now in California about a natural gas leak
that went up into the air, closing schools, evacuating hundreds, and making many of them sick.
The VDT article today doesn’t mention writing a letter to the Corps was one of my requests to the county.
It does quote the Chairman expresssing interest in details of eminent domain, in differences in regulation of oil and gas pipelines, and in environmental and safety issues of natural gas pipelines.
Treating his statements as questions, I have provided some further information below on those points.
And he does say the county might have incurred legal expenses if it hadn’t accepted Sabal Trail’s money for the easement.
He doesn’t mention how much money Lowndes County spent suing a local company
on behalf of a trash collection company financed out of New York City,
or how much money the county spent suing a local church about a minor
tax matter.
It seems when Lowndes County wants to do something, it doesn’t worry
so much about legal expenses.
And maybe the county should worry more about legal expenses if something does go wrong with that pipeline, especially considering what’s happening with the
Porter Ranch leak in California.
Besides, writing a letter Continue reading →