Tag Archives: Colquitt County

Winners, BIG Little River Paddle Race 2017-04-29


Adel, Georgia, June 4, 2017 — Dwight Griner of Berrien County, Georgia won for the fifth time. A dozen other boats received prizes, as a record number of people paddled in the Fifth Annual BIG Little River Paddle Race, April 29, 2017. Tifton and Tift County had the most paddlers, but the awards show more boats from Moultrie and Colquitt County. Lowndes had the second most paddlers, and there were two people each from Cook and from far-away Houston and Harris Counties, and one from Thomas County.

[Dwight Griner winner closeup]
Dwight Griner winner closeup

This year’s BLRPR included three popular new attractions: Continue reading

BIG Little River Paddle Race 2017-04-29

Here are a few pictures (also on facebook) and videos (video playlist) from the Fifth Annual BIG Little River Paddle Race. Later you’ll see pictures of each winner coming in and being awarded. Winners posted, plus news coverage.

Churning up wake

Fifty attendees

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Check in at Red Roberts Landing 31.1920876, -83.5208021
Check in at Red Roberts Landing 31.1920876, -83.5208021

Continue reading

Paddle or Race, Scott James Talk 92.1 FM radio 2017-04-27

Paddle Race logo Scott James had already been talking to WWALS Outings Chair Phil Hubbard about the BIG Little River Paddle Race Saturday morning at Reed Bingham State Park, so he knew some good questions to ask on his Talk 92.1 FM Radio show this morning. Scott also had this morning’s Valdosta Daily Times, which has a nice writeup on the paddle race on the top of page 5A.

Remember to register online or at the event Saturday morning. On-site registration is at Red Roberts Landing, from Exit 41 on I-75.

You do not have to actually race, you can just paddle. But the long-time winner has some real competition this year, with multiple people training seriously to win that $50 first place prize. You could win one of many other prizes, for young, old, male, female, or single, double, or triple kayak or canoe.

Come on down and paddle, eat the lunch grilled by Phil Hubbard, and bid in the silent auction!

And you can get tickets for the kayak raffle, either at the race or online.

Here’s the video: Continue reading

Charlie Walker dried off in time on KIX 99.5 FM for the BIG Little River Paddle Race 2017-04-26

Last year paddling the Withlacoochee River Charlie Walker fell in before we got to Langdale Park, but he’s dried off now and ready for the BIG Little River Paddle Race.

Movie: Charlie Walker and BLPR (75M) As we discussed this morning on KIX 99.5 FM, come on down to Reed Bingham State Park between Adel and Moultrie Saturday morning at 8AM, and stay for the the grilled lunch and the silent auction. You do not have to train by paddline upstream; you can just paddle the excellent course three miles downstream past cypress, pines, great blue herons, turtles, and fish. Charlie Walker, 99.5 KIX Country Don’t pet the alligators and they won’t bother you.

Remember to register online or at the event Saturday morning. And you can get tickets for the kayak raffle, either at the race or online!

Here’s the video. Continue reading

Video: BLPR and Neighbor Steve Nichols, WVGA 105.9 FM 2017-04-26

You don’t have to race, but some paddlers are training big-time, so come on down 8AM Saturday morning to Red Roberts Landing Movie: Steve Nichols and BLPR (87M) for the BIG Little River Paddle Race, the grilled lunch, and the silent auction.

The Little River is so low that if you fall in, you can just stand up.

Remember to register online or at the event Saturday morning.

Here’s the video: Continue reading

Steve Nichols, WVGA 105.9 FM, BIG Little River Paddle Race 8:15 AM 2017-04-26

Update 2017-04-26: video of me and Neighbor Steve Nichols on the radio.

After racing or just paddling, you can eat grilled lunch afterwards, while bidding in the silent auction at the Fifth Annual BIG Little River Paddle Race at Reed Bingham State Park between Adel and Moultrie, Georgia, and you can year about it in your car 8:15 tomorrow morning with Steve Nichols on WVGA 105.9 FM.

When: 8:15AM Wednesday, April 26th, 2017

Where: 105.9 FM WVGA, Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia

What: Suwannee Riverkeeper John S. Quarterman on The Morning Drive with Steve Nichols about the paddle race, Wanee, fertilizer runoff, solar power, and yes, I’ll mention the pipeline.

The Morning Drive with Steve Nichols, WVGA 105.9 FM

Event: Join the facebook events for Continue reading

BIG Little River Paddle Race on Scott James Radio 8AM 2017-04-27

At least three people are seriously training for the Fifth Annual BIG Little River Paddle Race. Maybe it won’t be the usual winner this time! Plus there are prizes in a wide range of categories (solo, double, male, female, ages, etc.) this Saturday April 29th, at Reed Bingham State Park between Adel and Moultrie, GA.

I’ll be on the radio 8AM this Thursday April 27th talking about that and related matters, such as WWALS is now also Suwannee Riverkeeper, with Scott James on his Talk 92.1 drive-time radio show, out of Valdosta, Georgia.

When: 8AM, Thursday, April 27, 2017

Where: You can listen on the air, or through the radio show’s own website, or through several online listening services.

Register: Don’t forget to register for the paddle race, either online or at the event. Continue reading

Water standing on Sabal Trail RoW, Colquitt County towards Mitchell County, GA 2017-01-25

Erosion After the recent storms, water is standing on Sabal Trail’s exotic invasive planted grasses, and sometimes on bare dirt, some of it apparently eroded, in Colquitt County, Georgia west of Moultrie towards Mitchell County. Remember, that 3-foot fracked methane pipe is only 3 feet under the surface. It wouldn’t take much erosion to expose it, increasing likelihood of corrosion, leak, break, explosion, etc.

These pictures were taken Continue reading

Moultrie sewage spill into Ocholockonee River

The city of Moultrie also had a small wastewater spill Sunday during the storm, but it was tiny compared to Valdosta’s, and Moultrie’s WTP is on the Ochlockonee River, not in the Suwannee River Basin.

Like Tifton, Moultrie’s wastewater operator is not listed on Moultrie’s city website, because its Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) is operated by the same private contractor, ESG Operations, Inc. That arrangement was announced in June 2015, shortly before major Moultrie WWTF improvements by RTD Construction were announced in September 2015.

Pretty quickly I got through to Bryan Roland, Project Manager, who said yes, Continue reading

What is Sabal Trail sending into the WIthlacoochee River between Quitman and Valdosta, GA? WWALS PR 2016-11-09

Update 2016-11-14: GWC Dirty Dozen Press Conference at US 84 Bridge with tour of Sabal Trail HDD 2016-11-16

Update 2016-11-13:Sabal Trail still leaking drilling mud into the Withlacoochee River at US 84 in GA 2016-11-12

Update 2016-11-11: Sabal Trail leaked drilling mud up into the Withlacoochee River.


Hahira, GA, November 9th 2016 — Sabal Trail appears to have contradicted itself in its recent responses to WWALS, perhaps admitting it may be dumping drilling mud into the Withlacoochee River, which would explain the picture below of a black pipe coming from Sabal Trail’s Brooks County HDD site into the river. WWALS had to wait two weeks just to get those non-answers, so WWALS now asks for a written response by email tomorrow. In addition, at least two Sabal Trail yards (a contractor yard in Moultrie, GA and a pipe yard near Lake City, FL) appear never to have been approved by FERC.

About 2000 feet upstream (north) of the US 84 bridge. Many more pictures here.

“FERC granted permission in less than a week for Continue reading