Tag Archives: deadfall

Little River Scouting 2016-07-10

My phone’s pedometer said I walked four miles of the six miles of this section of the Little River, with many fish, two white birds, lots of sand bars, some eroded bluffs, not a lot of trash after we got beyond the GA 76 bridge, and only one spot of invasive species (Japanese climbing fern).

Walk along home

This section would be better with about half a foot more water. The USGS GA 122 Little River gage showed about 3.71 feet for July 10th 2016, so let’s say at least 4.2 feet would be good. This is because there are many sand bars, including one directly upstream from the GA 122 bridge, where the water level is much closer to zero when that gage says 3.71.

Following up a report, Continue reading

Expert paddle on the Alapaha River from US 82: WWALS Outing 2015-01-17

Help check the Alapaha River for deadfalls! Expert paddlers wanted; inquire within.

Update 2015-01-17: Some pictures and videos by John S. Quarterman and an outing summary by Bret Wagenhorst.

300x225 Pointing, in Alapaha River upstream from near Willacoochee, GA, by Gretchen Quarterman, for WWALS.net, 19 January 2013 Meet at the Alapaha River boat ramp at the Hwy 82 bridge just east of the town of Alapaha at 09:30 AM. Boats and gear will be unloaded and some vehicles will be driven to the take out near the Gaskins Forestry Education Center south of Alapaha to allow the shuttle. One vehicle will then bring the drivers back to the put in and the trip will hopefully get started down river at about 10:00-10:15. Facebook event.

This event is FREE! All we ask is that you are a current member of WWALS Watershed Coalition. If not, its easy to join online today at /donations/. You do not have to be a member to come on this outing. If you like the experience, we recommend that you join to support the efforts of WWALS.

The trip may take 4 hours, but it may shorter or longer depending Continue reading

Canoeing Guide to the Withlacoochee River c. 1979

300x327 Map, in Canoe Guide to the Withlacoochee River Trail, by John S. Quarterman, for WWALS.net, 0  1979 Including both Florida and Georgia, a second river got map and guide attention back in the 1970s. To be updated in the Withlacoochee River Water Trail.

This Withlacoochee River guide is courtesy of John Leonard, Executive Director of the Southern Georgia Regional Commission (SGRC).


I would speculate that it is the most recent of the three guides posted thus far, because the Continue reading