Like Kinder Morgan and its Palmetto Project through southeast Georgia, Spectra Energy, also of Houston, acts entitled to gouge its Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline through southwest Georgia, taking local lands, causing widespread environmental destruction, and risking leaks and explosions local and state taxes would have to pay for. Come hear about the fight so far against this invader and some ideas on what to do next, 7PM Thursday May 21st in Savannah. WWALS President John S. Quarterman and an affected landowner will speak.
State and local taxes will end up paying to clean up any leaks or explosions
from either pipeline: both Spectra Energy from Houston, half owner of Sabal Trail,
and Kinder Morgan from Houston, behind the Palmetto Project,
tell the SEC every year they don’t have enough insurance to cover
major incidents.
Push Back the Pipeline,
recently convinced Georgia Governor Nathan Deal
to oppose the Palmetto pipeline,
and Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle, too.
Maybe they can help persuade both to oppose Sabal Trail.
Connect Savannah, today, (also on Push Back the Pipeline), Georgia’s Other Unwanted and Unneeded Pipeline,
When: Thu., May 21, 7 p.m.
Phone: 912-961-6190
Price: Free
Where: First Presbyterian Church
520 Washington Ave Savannah-Eastside
www.fpc.presbychurch.netThe Palmetto Pipeline is not the only pipeline project in Georgia Continue reading