Tag Archives: finance

Special SRWMD Board meeting 2020-08-27

The Suwannee River Water Management District is holding a Governing Board meeting tomorrow (Thursday) morning, even though apparently Don Quincey’s term has expired, so they will not have a quorum.

Last year they already had an episode where the SRWMD could not approve a budget because of lack of a quorum, until the governor finally got around to appointing enough to have six of nine board slots filled.

Even before Quincey fell off, the board members for the most populous locations were vacant: Upper Suwannee Basin (including the Withlacoochee and Alapaha Rivers), Santa Fe and Waccassasa Basins, and Aucilla Basin.

At the last SRWMD meeting, the Chair told me that each board member represents the entire District. That’s a nice fantasy, but many people have not observed SRWMD to actually work like that.

[Three Vacant Board Slots]
Three Vacant Board Slots

On the SRWMD online calendar, Remote Audit Committee & Supplemental Governing Board Meeting,

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Those who would like to participate in the Governing Board meeting are able to register on GoTo Webinar at https://bit.ly/2FFwuy8. A confirmation email with a link to join the GoTo Webinar will be sent after registration. To join the webinar, click “Join Webinar” in the confirmation email that you receive after registration. For any members of the public who wish to call-in to listen to the meeting or provide public comment to the Governing Board, call-in at 1-888-585-9008, then enter conference room number 704-019-452. You will be able to hear the proceedings there. Please do not use speakerphone or put your phone on hold. Please be aware that your call will be muted automatically when you join the call-in number. During the conference call, the Chair will instruct the public when the time for public comment will be allowed. To unmute your line, please press *2 on your touch dial phone. Submit a public comment request prior to the meeting at www.srwmd.org/Comments.

Date: August 27, 2020

Time: 9:00 AM

Time Details: Governing Board Meeting to follow Audit Committee Meeting

Location: District Headquarters

Address: 9225 CR 49
Live Oak, FL 32060

Link: Webinar Registration Link

Remember that if you want to comment during the meeting you must sign up not only for the webinar, but also separately to make a comment.

I am hosting a large group of people at 9AM tomorrow, but if you can attend and comment, please do.

Thanks to Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson for the heads-up.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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Solar power would bring more jobs than toll roads –Suwannee Riverkeeper in Gainesville Sun 2019-05-22

In the Gainesville Sun, yesterday, May 22, 2019:

Now that Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed the toll road bill, SB 7068, Suwannee Riverkeeper — which was among the 90 organizations throughout Florida that asked him to veto it — continues to oppose that boondoggle and propose actual benefits to Florida’s economy and waters.

Aerial Google map, Crystal River to Monticello and Thomasville
Google map of one likely route of the Suncoast Connector.

One of these three unneeded turnpikes would have to cross the Suwannee River, plowing through counties where we have many members. All this very poorly written bill says about its route is: “Suncoast Connector, extending from Citrus County to 164 Jefferson County.” Apparently that means from Crystal River to Monticello, and on to Thomasville, Georgia, through farms, forests and swamps. If this toll road builds its bypasses, bye-bye local businesses in Chiefland, Fanning Springs, Old Town and Cross City.

Yes, the turnpike bill has a “project development phase” for $45 million and increasing each year, with a Continue reading