Monthly Archives: April 2015

Sasser landing to Jennings Bluff, WWALS Outing 2015-06-14

Update 2015-06-10: Expedition leader Chris Mericle writes:

I am pleased to report that the Alapaha River water level has increased since my last report (May 31). The Statenville gauge reports an increase of .9′ The Jennings gauage reports an increase of .8′. There should be plenty of water in the river for this weekend’s outing.

Float down the Alapaha River for a couple of hours, then walk to the Dead River Sink, where it disappears into the Floridan Aquifer. facebook event.

This is a pretty easy outing, but as always Continue reading

Update on Rowetown Church to GA 135: WWALS outing 2015-04-18

300x117 Rowetown with Alapaha, GA gauge, in Alapaha River Water Trail, by John S. Quarterman, for, 16 April 2015 Update from expedition leader Bret Wagenhorst:

The current weather forecast for Saturday in Alapaha, GA is cloudy with 20% chance of thunderstorms. The water level on the Alapaha River at the Alapaha gauge is 9.4 ft and appears to be plateauing. [The river has already been going down for a couple of days upstream at the Irwinville gauge. -jsq] Unless there are heavy rains in or north of Alapaha Friday, we should be able to proceed with our planned outing.

It should be a fast trip with the water this high, and with fast, high water comes increased risk, so this is probably not a great outing for a beginner.

Know that the put in is actually Continue reading

Poster for the Third Annual BIG Little River Paddle Race 2015-05-16

300x388 Poster, in BIG Little River Paddle Race (Third Annual), by WWALS, 16 May 2015 Pregistration remains open throughout April for the May 16th paddle race at Reed Bingham State Park, to benefit WWALS and FORBS. Sunshine, great blue herons, turtles, and good fun.

Bret Wagenhorst says:

Feel free to share it with whomever might be interested and to post it on the web or on walls wherever it might get some attention.

You can register online, or print the registration form at that link and mail in with a check. Preregistration lasts through April ($20 per boat plus $5/vehicle park entrance fee).

The price goes up after May 1st or at the event ($30/boat plus $5/vehicle), 8AM Saturday morning May 16th 2015 at Red Roberts Landing on Rountree Bridge Road off I-75 Exit 41.

Printable PDF.

JPG image: Continue reading

Ochlockonee Paddle

Our blackwater river neighbor to the west is having a paddle this Saturday.

Ocklockonee River Paddle in Thomasville,
Hosted by Mary Madden and Scott Taylor,
Saturday 11 April 2015,

Pack up your paddles, we are headed to deep southwest Georgia to explore the uncharted waters (at least in the case of our Stewardship Trips Program) of one of Georgia’s most mysterious rivers.

Join the Georgia Conservancy and the Georgia Canoeing Association Continue reading

WWALS Board Agenda 2015-04-08

The public is invited. Facebook event. -jsq

Draft Agenda (revised again 2015-04-06)
7:30 PM Wed. 8 April 2015
For remote attendees:
Dial-in Number: (712) 432-1212
Meeting ID: 974-054-025

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South Georgia pipeline plan fuels fight –AJC

Atlanta is surrounded by pipelines, says the AJC reporter and photographer who came to to Dougherty, Colquitt, and Lowndes Counties in February.

Dan Chapman, AJC, 3 April 2015, South Georgia pipeline plan fuels fight,

300x225 Dan Chapman and Don Thieme at Cherry Creek Sink, in Sinkholes near the Withlacoochee River, by John S. Quarterman, for, 18 February 2015 Valdosta — Southwest Georgia is roiling mad over a proposed gas pipeline to Florida that virtually nobody in Atlanta, except Ted Turner, has heard about.

Electric Light & Power has more of the text: Continue reading

Hamilton and Madison: both WWALS Florida Counties passed anti-fracking resolutions

We’ve already seen Hamilton County’s RESOLUTION 2015-02 of 3 March 2015. Madison County followed 11 March 2015, as reported by Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson for Our Santa Fe River, The Commissioners of Madison County—THEY ROCK!!

This morning the Commissioners of Madison County concluded their business by unanimously signing a resolution to ban fracking and to support the bills in Tallahassee which do that. County Attorney Tommy Reeves was johnny-on-the-spot ready with the resolution so there was no delay there.

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Rowetown Church to GA 135: WWALS April outing 2015-04-18

Update 2015-04-17: Water’s high, but looks like the outing is on.

Paddle downstream on the Alapaha River past the Willacoochee River and the city of Willacoochee, among ancient cypress, pines, turtles, fish, and birds. This is a long one, so come prepared: water, snacks, and as always personal flotation devices. It’s also remote and possibly difficult with deadfalls, so please be able to swim or at least float. If you need a boat, please contact Facebook event.

When:8AM April 18th 2015
Shuttle:40 min. shuttle
Start:9AM on the water
Duration:approximately 4 hour paddle
Stop:About 1PM
Where:Rowetown Church Cemetery,
7 miles east of Alapaha, GA
via Moore Sawmill Road,
on Rowetown Church Road,
Berrien County, GA
31.33906, -83.149789

This event is FREE! All we ask is that Continue reading

A Day in the Woods at Gaskins Forest Education Center 2015-04-18

The Gaskins Forest Education Center invites you to A Day in the Woods: Forestry and Wildlife Activities for All the Family, on Saturday, April 18 from 9 am to 3 pm.

Educators interested in botany, forestry, wildlife, hydrology, and geology may want to take this opportunity to come out on April 18th and see the potential for planning and carrying out future teacher-led outdoor classroom activities.

This is a free community event Continue reading