Monthly Archives: August 2016
SRWMD does not seem to be universally popular.
State line to Sullivan Launch, Withlacoochee River 2016-10-09
Sunday morning on the tea-colored Withlacoochee River in north Florida in fall: come join us!
When: 10AM Sunday October 9th 2016
Put in: Madison Highway on the Georgia side, also known as GA 31 Ramp (SRWMD) or State Line Ramp (GA DNR) or CR 145 Bridge Launch (FDEP). 30.635933, -83.311103
Directions: Continue reading
Lake City Sabal Trail pipe yard in cleared wetlands
Update 2016-08-10: Videos of all the speakers.
You are invited to come ask SRWMD why it hasn’t
responded to WWALS’ request about the unregistered
Sabal Trail Lake City apparently on fill in wetlands.
You can speak in person Tuesday morning,
or write them a letter saying how Sabal Trail would affect you,
no matter where you are elsewhere on the pipeline path, in the Floridan Aquifer,
or for other reasons.
When: 9AM Tuesday August 9th 2016
Where: SRWMD District Headquarters,
9225 CR 49, Live Oak, FL 32060
Or write to: Noah Valenstein, Executive Director, SRWMD, NDV@srwmd.org.
Update 2016-08-07: You may also send a letter to all Board members of the SRWMD by writing to their
senior Board assistant:
Lisa Cheshire,
Robin Lamm, Coordinator, rrl@srwmd.org
In the subject header to Lisa include the following info:
SRWMD Board Members:
Then cc here, too:
Noah Valenstein, NDV@srwmd.org
Sabal Trail is not on the agenda, but people can speak in Continue reading
Chris Mericle, Maxine Connor, and Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson (with camera)
Chris Mericle about Sabal Trail discrepancies in Gainesville.
Bill Gates considered toxic to springs –Dan Hilliard
It’s not the Gates Foujndation: it’s his private investment arm. And Lakeland Sands is not the only LLC shell corp he’s using to buy up land in Suwannee, Hamilton, and Madison Counties, FL
and Lowndes and Echols Counties, GA;
Dan Hilliard, Citrus County Chronicle, 31 July 2016, Bill Gates and the death of Florida’s iconic springs,
…while the degradation of South Florida waters receives national attention, contributions of big agriculture — exemplified by operations owned by Bill Gates — to the deterioration of North Florida waters have gone largely unnoticed.
Throughout North Florida, over-pumping of the Floridan aquifer and Continue reading
Map: Okefenokee-Osceola Longleaf Pine Restoration Priority Area
The idea is to stop wildfires coming out of the Okefenokee Swamp as they encounter a one-mile buffer
of longleaf pine that has already had regular prescribed burns,
according to Hunter Bowman, who sent this map of where the
Okefenokee-Osceola Local Implementation Team works.
I live 60 miles west of that new buffer, yet I remember vividly the smoke from the 2007 fires, which even put people in the hospital farther west in Quitman, GA. All that smoke, not to mention runoff from the burned area, can’t be good for our waters.
A large image of the map is below, and PDF is on the WWALS website. As you can see, the Suwannee River above Fargo is entirely within the subject area, Continue reading
Agenda and registration for Gainesville meeting against Sabal Trail 2016-08-06
This Saturday in Gainesville, Florida, organized by Gulf Restoration Network, the opposition to Sabal Trail and all its ugly stepsisters expands even more.
WWALS board member Chris Mericle is an introductory speaker,
and WWALS member Cecile Scofield will speak about LNG export and rail projects,
along with many new speakers from Florida and beyond.
When: 8:30 AM to 5PM Saturday August 6th 2016
Where: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Gainesville
4225 NW 34th St,
Gainesville, FL 32605
Sign up online: www.healthygulf.org/GrassrootsSummit
Facebook: event
Agenda: Continue reading