At the Withlacoochee River Brooks-Lowndes Co. GA line just downstream of Sabal Trail’s proposed crossing

With James Bell whose Mitchell Co. land is being bulldozed right now. He made a video statement which we will post later.

The Valdosta Daily Times sent a reporter to this event, Protect Withlacoochee River from Sabal Trail @ US 84 2016-09-17, #NoDAPL, #NoSabalTrail, #WaterIsLife. The reporter indicated a story would probably appear Monday or Tuesday.

Update 2016-09-26: The VDT story appeared Friday.

There is no excuse for this Sabal Trail boondoggle now that FPL’s own 2016 Ten Year Plan says Florida needs no new electricity until 2014 at the earliest. Follow that link for some things you can do about it even if you couldn’t come to the river this morning.

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2 thoughts on “At the Withlacoochee River Brooks-Lowndes Co. GA line just downstream of Sabal Trail’s proposed crossing

  1. Pingback: Protect Withlacoochee River from Sabal Trail @ US 84 2016-09-17 | WWALS Watershed Coalition

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