Before last weekend all the water quality results from Valdosta for Wednesday and Madison Health for Thursday seemed good. But then it rained late Thursday. I tested Friday, and while US 41, just below Sugar Creek, and US 84 were good on the Withlacoochee River, Knights Ferry Boat Ramp was not good at all.
That contamination must have washed downstream. It may have already passed State Line by Monday, and it may never show up in Valdosta or Madison Health results. We shall see what their results for this week say.
But it was there at Knights Ferry Boat Ramp Friday. This is a good illustration of why even more frequent testing is needed.
Oh, and vote for clean water.
At Knights Ferry, I counted 39 + 38 + 39 = 116 * 100 / 3 = 3,866 cfu/100 mL E. coli.
I went with Gretchen’s slightly lower counts of
40 + 25 + 39 = 104 * 100 / 3 = 3,466,
because there was some doubt whether some E. coli colonies were separate or not.
Sara Jay got an even lower 2,633.
Whichever, it’s clear they’re all well above the 1,000 Georgia Adopt-A-Stream
alert limit.
So we’re using the 2,633 3,466 middle number, which is plenty bad. Continue reading