Previously I promised an update on the lack of trash cans in the parking lot on St. Augustine Road at Hightower Creek that resulted in litter.
The short version is in Continue reading
Previously I promised an update on the lack of trash cans in the parking lot on St. Augustine Road at Hightower Creek that resulted in litter.
The short version is in Continue reading
And, finally, the winner of Best Song from Inside the Suwannee River Basin for $50 and First Prize for $300: David Rodock, of Adel, Georgia, with Take Me to the Suwannee.
Take Me to the Suwannee –David Rodock
Here’s what he wrote about himself, Continue reading
Update 2022-12-01: Individual Langdale Park Trails 2022-12-01.
VLPRA is fortunate to have a couple of explorers trailblazing Langdale Park and reporting back. Bobby McKenzie and family have been out there for a year or more, sending back videos. Phillip Williams has been bushwhacking probably as long, and has made a map of Langdale Park trails. Maybe you’d also like to explore.
Pictures and Maps, Langdale Park Trails
This is all related to water trails, which want to record nearby hiking trails, and to the trash situation, since the explorers report trash in several locations, including tires in a borrow pit.
I look forward to Valdosta-Lowndes County Parks and Recreation Authority (VLPRA) publishing its own map of the trails in this 178-acre park by the Withlacoochee River, with Three Mile Branch running through it, and some other streams previously unmapped. And it sure would be nice to have trail signs that identify trails by name or number, not to mention some bridges and boardwalks need fixing up.
Meanwhile, here are the trails Phillip Williams has mapped so far. Continue reading
Update 2022-12-05: Pictures: Knights Ferry to Nankin Cleanup, Withlacoochee River 2022-12-03.
Clean up trash jams on the balmy blackwater Withlacoochee River. Looks like the weather will be almost 80 degrees. We will definitely get in a swim or two.
When: Gather 9 AM, Paddle 10 AM, End 3 PM, Saturday, December 3, 2022
Put In: Knights Ferry Boat Ramp, 6499 Knights Ferry Rd, Valdosta, GA 31601.
GPS: 30.71205, -83.45554
Continue readingKen Sulak, retired from USGS, is a bubbling spring of information about old bridges and ferries in Florida. Here’s what he sent recently about three Withlacoochee River bridges: a railroad bridge and two road bridges.
EWJ RR Pillar and Lee Bowstring Bridge Lally column; Photos: Ken Sulak
You can see two of them on the WWALS paddle from Allen Ramp on the Withlacoochee River to Suwannee River State Park, 2023-02-04. Continue reading
Bobby McKenzie reports, “Check this out. Took the kids to Wild Adventures last night. Traditionally Wild Adventures has been trashed but now there are multiple trash cans in the parking lot plus cleanup crew out there at closing!”
Trash Cans at Wild Adventures parking lot 2022-11-26
Yay, Wild Adventures!
FYI, Wild Adventures drains down Clyatt Mill Creek to the Withlacoochee River, between Nanking Boat Ramp and State Line Boat Ramp. So those trash cans are keeping trash out of the creek and river. Continue reading
Come to Valdosta Tree Fest and bid on the WWALS tree, which is decorated with seeds of native plants. Want to replant part of your lawn with native plants? Here’s a start. Or if you just want to start some potted plants.
That’s 10 AM to 5 PM, Saturday, December 3, 2022, at the Hilton Garden Inn, 1702 Gornto Road, Valdosta, GA 31601. There is no fee to get in.
Facebook event:
All proceeds go to WWALS, to support our advocacy and activities.
WWALS volunteers will be there to explain the tree and WWALS. Continue reading
Update 2022-11-30: Parking lot litter Click ‘n’ Fix closed without cleanup 2022-11-21.
This happened at the bottom of the parking lot on St. Augustine Road next to Hightower Creek. The same parking lot we previously reported as a good example, upstream from Sugar Creek and the Withlacoochee River.
Yet they never put out trash cans, and this is what results.
Bobby Mckenzie sent these pictures August 30, 2022, with this explanation:
Obviously there is no excuse for this woman’s actions. But she walk to look for a trash can and didn’t find one. Then she threw it in the mess that was already there.
Initially the litter bug looked for a trash can.
Just as guilty of allowing this to happen are the business/property owners, the Public Works Director, Assistant City Manager and City Marshalls for failing to do their part.
The business not complying with the existing City Ordinance, the City Marshalls REFUSING to enforce that very City Ordinance
Continue reading
Update 2023-02-02: An hour later: Allen Ramp to SRSP, Withlacoochee River 2023-02-02.
Double Door Spring is an awesome thing to see for those who haven’t seen this part of the wild and beautiful Withlacoochee River. We will pass numerous rocky shoals requiring some skills so this outing may not be appropriate for beginners and young children. There are many other clear springs to explore.
Put In:
Allen Ramp, 2726 SW 64th Way Jasper, FL 32052, in Hamilton County, Florida.
Take Out:
Suwannee River State Park Ramp,
Left bank of the Suwannee River, upstream from Withlacoochee River Confluence, 3631 201st Path, Live Oak, FL 32060, in Suwannee County, Florida.
Bring: the usual personal flotation device, boat, paddles, food, drinking water, warm clothes, and first aid kit.
Also trash pickers and trash bags: every WWALS outing is also a cleanup.
Mosquitoes can be bad at dusk so come prepared.
Free: This outing is free to WWALS members, and $10 (ten dollars) for non-members.
You can pay the $10 at the outing, or online:
Plus $5 per vehicle parking fee payable at SRSP.
We recommend you support the work of WWALS by
becoming a WWALS member today!
Gather 8 AM, launch 9:30 AM, end 3 PM, Gather 9 AM, launch 10:30 AM, end 4 PM, Saturday, February 4, 2023
Double Door Spring, Withlacoochee River, Photo: John S. Quarterman 2019-06-01
Me and the dogs were curious to see what the site of future Troupville Nature Park looked like at high water.
Collage, Troupville River Park site, 2022-01-20
We did not make any exciting new discoveries; we just went to see how far we could go south and east at that water level. Well, we did find plenty of trash of various kinds.
The water level has been higher, but it was pretty high:
Many pictures are on the WWALS website.
You can trace our path be the loop of binoculars on this Continue reading