Author Archives: Gretchen Quarterman

Sabal Trail Jury Selection 2018-06-25

When I started out the day, I wasn’t planning on spending the morning watching jury selection but I did. Honestly, everyone should go observe court our government in action now and then. Voir dire!
I knew that electronic devices weren’t allowed so I left my phone in the car. I couldn’t find any paper so I used Moonwalking with Einstein to remember things.

Electronic devices shall not be utilized

I arrived at the Federal Building about 9:15AM and noticed the changes since the post office moved out. The only thing you can do is go into the elevator. I took the elevator to the second floor to the security screening but had to go back to the car to get ID. I successfully negotiated security by 9:30AM.

When I actually arrived, jury selection was Continue reading

Georgia Legislature fails to advance pollution disclosure bill.

Please call your Georgia Legislators now and let them know that you want our rivers to be safe and clean. Let them know that pollutants do not belong in our rivers. The Natural Resources sub-committee failed to pass two different bills out of committee yesterday. Let them know that you care about what happens to pollutants and that our rivers should be protected. Today is cross-over day. Time is running out.

WWALS is a Georgia Water Coalition member. You can read the Georgia Water Coalition’s press release here.

Your voice makes a difference.



It’s that most wonderful time of the year — Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Yuletide Greetings!

Are you looking for a non-profit for your year end giving, or a gift for that hard to buy for person? WWALS is a 501(c)(3) and your donations are tax deductible as allowable by law. I invite you to become a member today or make an additional year end gift. Your gift helps us achieve our mission:

PO Box 88, Hahira, GA 31632

Organizations can donate to WWALS, too, as many have.

In this very busy year of 2016 WWALS has: Continue reading

WWALS and children at Trunk or Treat at Reed Bingham State Park 2016-10-29

Girl Scouts helping Girl Scouts were a big part of our success today! Boy Scouts wanted to know if we had Eagle Scout projects: yes, we do! Thank you to our new friends.

People wanted to know about outings, advocacy, pipeline, and since Reed Bingham is on the Little River, I gave out all the pamphlets for the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail I had printed. An excellent time was had by WWALS and all at the Reed Bingham Trunk or Treat Fall Festival.


You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Continue reading

WWALS at South Georgia Pride – Saturday – 2016-09-17

Waterkeeper Rainbow Flag with Sturgeon

WWALS will have a booth at the South Georgia Pride Festival Saturday, September 17th. We will share information about our activities, programs and activism with the local community.

Waterkeeper Alliance and Affilates support equality, particularly “we know equality and human rights are intrinsic to environmental values.

South Georgia Pride is open to the community and family friendly and we invite you to come and visit us from 12-7 at John Saunders Park, 1151 River St., Valdosta, GA 31601. Festival Booth


WWALS at The Happening at VSU, Tomorrow, August 25th 2016

WWALS Happening Booth 2015 WWALS will have a booth at The Happening tomorrow (Thursday, August 25th) at which new and returning students to Valdosta State University (VSU) have an opportunity to learn about both the local community and campus clubs. We will be sharing a booth with Students Against Violating the Environment (S.A.V.E) and look forward to collaborating with them on projects throughout the year.

The Happening is open to the community and we invite you to come an visit us from 1-4 on the front lawn at VSU.


You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

CR/T Class 3 Permit Change Meeting Report 2016-06-22

A small but inquisitive group attended the CRT Class 3 Permit Change Public meeting on Wednesday June 22nd at the Public Library on Woodrow Wilson Drive in Valdosta.

The representatives of the company included Ramesh Mulani (Operations Manager for CR/T), Brian Jones from International Paper (apparently International Paper is responsible for the monitoring of the wells), Carol Northern from EarthCon Consultants, a subcontractor to International Paper and a gentleman whose name I failed to record. Ms. Northern gave a detailed overview of the reasons for the two permit change requests.

  1. The first permit change was to Continue reading

Board Group Photo

At the August 2013 board meeting, the WWALS board members in attendance gathered for a group photo.
WWALS Board Group Photo

WWALS Board Members
Back Row (L to R): Dave Hetzel (President), Garry Gentry (Membership), Bret Wagenhorst (Outings), John S. Quarterman (Senior Vice President).
Front Row (L to R): Gretchen Quarterman (Treasurer), Heather Brasell (Secretary), April Huntley.
Missing from photo: Al Browning, Karan Rawlins (Events).

Various sizes in flickr.

WWALS board and officer elections

Dear WWALS Watershed Friend,

The WWALS Watershed Coalition has had an excellent first year. We have had many people join to become dues-paying members, many excellent speakers and many excellent outings on our local rivers.

It is my pleasure to let you know that we will have our first annual meeting along with the election of three board members at our July 10th meeting.

If you are a member, you should have received a letter already informing you of the upcoming meeting.

If you aren’t a member yet, you are welcome to attend the annual meeting and become a member.

Our annual meeting will be Continue reading

Getting water tested for arsenic (and other stuff)

Water quality testing bottles Confused about how to test your water for arsenic? I was, too. Here’s how to do it.

Recently, there was a statement made by the Department of Health, recommending that well owners have their wells tested for arsenic.

I had heard about this previously from Janet McMahan and definitely wanted to do what she recommended (test hot water also).

I volunteer regularly at the County Extension Office and figured it would be easy to get what I needed for the testing.

I got a sheet of paper labelled “Water Submission Form” and it seemed like a standard information sheet, name, address type of well, tests requested. I figured that this is filled in at the extension once I would bring in my sample.

I got a summary sheet of paper labelled “Sampling Protocol for Testing Drinking Water” and knew that I wanted to test for Arsenic and Uranium so I followed those directions for both hot (as directed by Janet) and cold water. There is a more complete document about water quality attached.

Then, I took my samples to the extension office along with the list of tests that Janet had recommended getting. “Oh,” said the office manager, “you didn’t bring enough water for all those tests.”

She opened the book about tests and showed me that some tests I want need 4 ounces each (and one of them needs 16 oz) so the two 4 oz bottles I brought in are not near enough.

When she explained to me that tests W1 and W3 cost the same as W2 and W2 tests for more stuff, I figured I should get W2 instead of W1 and W3. But I didn’t even know what those things were, nor that the collection mechanisms are really different when I started.

It’s sort of like learning a foreign language, you can say the words, but until you actually know what they mean you don’t have a clue.

Understanding what each of the different water tests are, how to properly collect the water and how they are priced (another important factor) made it clear to me that I needed to go home (with some new bottles) and collect water on another day.


Water Quality and Common Treatments for Private Drinking Water Systems, Revised by Uttam Saha, Leticia Sonon, Mark Risse1 and David Kissel, Originally written by Anthony Tyson and Kerry Harrison, Extension Engineers.