Category Archives: SGRC

Charlton County, GA, Workshop, Comprehensive Plan 2019-08-27

There was a surprising amount of consensus on things that needed to be added to the Charlton County Comprehensive Plan, at the first Workshop conducted by Southern Georgia Regional Commission (SGRC).

[Clockwise from left: Ouida Johnson, Homeland Mayor; Pender Lloyd, Folkston City Manager; Hampton Raulerson, Charlton County Administrator; Elizabeth Backe, SGRC; Laura Early, Satilla Riverkeeper; John S. Quarterman (hat), Suwannee Riverkeeper; Blair Nixon, Homeland City Council Post 4.]
Clockwise from left: Ouida Johnson, Homeland Mayor; Pender Lloyd, Folkston City Manager; Hampton Raulerson, Charlton County Administrator; Elizabeth Backe, SGRC; Laura Early, Satilla Riverkeeper; John S. Quarterman (hat), Suwannee Riverkeeper; Blair Nixon, Homeland City Council Post 4.

I’ll leave it to SGRC’s Elizabeth Backe to summarize that meeting. For now, suffice it to say that I think I did get them to mention the Suwannee River in many places where it previously was not, and I think also water trails and Suwannee Riverkeeper.

The next Charlton County Comprehensive Plan Update Workshop will be:

When: 2-4 PM, Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Where: Charlton County Administrative Offices, 68 Kingsland Dr. Suite B, Folkston, GA.

What: “We will be discussing the Policies and Community Work Program and Report of Accomplishments sections (5 and 6) of the Comprehensive Plan. If you are not able to attend this workshop, please feel free to send me any suggestions or comments by email.” –Elizabeth Backe,

At the first Workshop, Ms. Backe used an initial discussion on Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) to motivate the detailed walk-through of part of the planning document. Continue reading

Charlton County Comprehensive Plan Update Workshop 2019-08-27

On the calendar for the Southern Georgia Regional Commission (SGRC), Charlton County Comprehensive Plan Update Workshop:

When: Tue, August 27, 10:30am – 12:30pm

Where: 68 Kingsland Dr. Suite B Folkston, GA (map)

Description: First Workshop to discuss Goals, Issues, and Opportunities.

Event: facebook


Currently, the only mention of mining in the 2015 Joint Charlton County Comprehensive Plan Update for Charlton County and The Cities of Folkston and Homeland Adopted 4/23/2015, is on page 8 (emphasis added): Continue reading

Douglas, GA: SGRC Regional Plan Update 2018-01-18

Received January 8, 2018. I think this is the last workshop, so if you haven’t been to one….

Good Afternoon Everyone,

This email is a quick reminder to attend the 4th Regional Plan Update Workshop in the City of Douglas, Georgia, on:

January 18th, 2018 10:00 a.m. to 12:30p

City of Douglas City Hall,
224 East Bryan Street, Douglas, GA 31533,

Douglas, GA City Hall
Photo: Mjrmtg on Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 3.0.

This fourth workshop will cover the following topics: Continue reading

Third Regional Plan Update: SGRC in Tifton 2017-12-07

If you haven’t been to one, here’s another chance to get your input into the SGRC regional comprehensive plan.

When: 10AM to 12:30 PM, Thursday, December 7, 2017

Where: Tifton-Tift County Chamber of Commerce,
100 Central Avenue, Tifton, GA 31793

What: 3rd Regional Plan Update Workshop

Specific Areas, Threatened regionally important resources
Page 19, SGRC Regional Plan Update Workbook

The notes in red look familiar.

Reminder received yesterday: Continue reading

Agenda: SGRC Regional Plan Update Workshop in Valdosta 2017-09-21

I still want to know which river that is, under “(2) Areas Requiring Special Attention Defining Narrative; Threatened Regionally Important Resources&rdquo. And what I already sent SGRC for WWALS is below this reminder message. Received yesterday:

(2) Areas Requiring Special Attention Defining Narrative; Threatened Regionally Important Resources

Good Morning,

A quick reminder for our 1st Regional Plan Update Workshop on:

September 21st, 2017 9:30a to 12:30p

Valdosta SGRC Offices at 327 W. Savannah Ave

The first workshop will cover the following topics:

  1. Review the existing issues and opportunities within the Region and determine whether they are Continue reading

Rescheduled: Valdosta Workshop, 2018 5-year update, SGRC Regional Plan 2017-09-21

More Tropical Storm Irma effect. Received today, 12 September 2017:

Good morning, the meeting for the Regional Plan Workshop has been rescheduled from the 14th to:

Page 11: Regional Land Use Map, Regional Development, SGRC Regional Plan 2018 Full Update Workbook Draft, 17 August 2017 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st, 2017
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
SGRC Office
327 W Savannah, Ave.
Valdosta, Ga

Sherry H. Davidson
Local Government Services Director
229-333-5277 ext.124
229-300-0923 cell

For suggestions from WWALS so far and more Continue reading

2018 5-year update of SGRC Regional Plan Kick-off 2017-08-24

Received 21 August 2017:

Good Morning Everyone,

This email is to inform you that the Southern Georgia Regional Commission is formally kicking off its 2018 5-year update of the SGRC Regional Plan. The initial kick-off public meeting will be held during the regular SGRC Board meeting on:

Thursday, August 24, 2017
11 a.m. or soon thereafter
City of Pearson Sports Complex and Civic Center,
786 Austin Ave East, Pearson

Page 13: Conservation and Development Map
Page 13: Conservation and Development Map

The purpose of this kick-off hearing is to Continue reading