Tag Archives: Adel

Sea level gage reports: all USGS gages in WWALS territory in Georgia

All the Suwannee River Basin USGS gages in Georgia just got a new flood level reporting system (except they missed one). Locator Map: Central South Georgia USGS Gages They’ve added a level measurement from sea level, probably not coincidentally about the same as the Florida gages added a level measurement from dry riverbed, so both Georgia and Florida gages now have both measurements. This actually does not affect the WWALS level charts for the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail nor for the Alapaha River Water Trail, because those continue to display water levels from dry riverbed. To see this change at all, you have to drill down to the USGS detail pages, for example on the Withlacoochee River at Skipper Bridge Road in Georgia, or near Pinetta, Florida.

National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office, Tallahassee, FL, unknown date, Suwannee River Basin Datum Changes in South Central Georgia,

Starting on October 14, 2015, the National Weather Service in Tallahassee and Jacksonville will make adjustments to the reporting method for water level in the Suwannee River System. This includes river gages in the following rivers or creeks: Continue reading

Adopted 2015 Goals, WATERKEEPER, Valdosta Wastewater: WWALS Board Videos and Minutes 2015-04-08

In April the WWALS board approved a dozen goals for 2015, reviewed upcoming outings and the since-approved WATERKEEPER® Affiliate application, as well as the Valdosta Wastewater and pipeline situations, and moved ahead on planning for the since-solidified Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail Committee, while adding to a couple of committees. Here are the Minutes of the 8 April 2015 WWALS Quarterly Board Meeting approved at last night’s Board Meeting, and videos of that April meeting.

Here’s a video playlist:

Adopted 2015 Goals, WATERKEEPER, Valdosta Wastewater:
WWALS Board Videos and Minutes 2015-04-08
Videos by Gretchen Quarterman for WWALS Watershed Coalition (WWALS),
IHOP, Adel, Cook County County, Georgia.


Third Annual BIG Little River Paddle Race PR 2015-05-16

PDF, Registration


Charity paddle event to take place at Reed Bingham State Park

Valdosta, April 27th, 2015 — You are invited to paddle in the third annual BIG Little River Paddle Race on Saturday, May 16, 2015. Bring your canoe or kayak or Continue reading

WWALS Board Agenda 2015-04-08

The public is invited. Facebook event. -jsq

Draft Agenda (revised again 2015-04-06)
7:30 PM Wed. 8 April 2015
For remote attendees:
Dial-in Number: (712) 432-1212
Meeting ID: 974-054-025

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USGS Flood-Tracking Chart for Withlacoochee and Little River Basins

An interesting flyer pointed out by Emily Davenport, Storm Water Utilities Director, City of Valdosta. It has many useful contacts on the front, and tips on the back (don’t walk or drive through flood waters) but the most useful part is inside, where the flood-tracking chart is, in Flood-tracking chart for the Withlacoochee and Little River Basins in south-central Georgia and northern Florida, 2014, by Gotvald, Anthony J.; McCallum, Brian E.; Painter, Jaime A., USGS General Information Product: 155.

Here are the gages mentioned in the chart, with links to the live USGS FloodTracking pages, Continue reading

Reservoirs for control of stormwater –Tim Carroll

Valdosta City Council Tim Carroll spoke about the need for watershed-wide planning to reduce flooding and provide water for agriculture with distributed flood containment reservoirs. He referred to the materials he sent in advance as well as to some additional data about water quality measurements upstream and downstream of selected points. And he sent an update the next day.

Tim Carroll noted that one thing that was clear from the Valdosta City Manager Larry Hanson’s 2010 presentation to the Suwannee-Satilla Water Council about the 2009 flood was that the drainage basin study proposed by that Council (which completed its report and disbanded) still needs to be completed. For that purpose, Hanson had just sent a letter to the Army Corps of Engineers requesting assistance. Apparently they have partial answer, and they’re also talking the state.

Carroll said that with the renewed attention to flooding problems Continue reading

Tim Carroll of Valdosta at WWALS board meeting tonight

Valdosta City Council member Tim Carroll will speak tonight at the monthly WWALS Watershed Coalition board meeting at 7:30 PM at the IHOP in Adel (exit 39 from I-75, 1200 W 4th St, Adel, GA, 229-896-2662); the public is invited. In advance he sent the appended letter from the City of Valdosta to the Army Corps of Engineers requesting assistance related to flooding and droughts.

March 11, 2013

William Bailey
Chief of Planning Division
US Army Corps of Engineers – Savannah District Office
100 W. Oglethorpe Avenue
Savannah, Georgia 31401

Dear Mr. Bailey,

Over the last several years, the City of Valdosta and neighboring communities have been severely impacted by the increase of flood events that have occurred throughout our region and particularly the drainage basin we are located in. The city recognizes the various levels of responsibility throughout government agencies for flood management and flood control and is interested in furthering the discussions to understand the changes that are occurring and to ensure the protection of our communities from future flood events.

In February 2009, the city began updating its 1996 Master Stormwater Management Plan. In April, just two months later, our county along with 46 counties in south Georgia, experienced historic flooding and were declared disaster areas. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reported

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Emily Davenport, Storm Water Utilities Director, City of Valdosta, at WWALS 27 June 2013 2012

The first speaker at a WWALS board meeting after incorporation was Emily Davenport, the Storm Water Utilities Director for the City of Valdosta.

Emily Davenport, Brittney Hull, Angela Bray of SGRC, Dave Hetzel Emily Davenport, Brittney Hull (Treasurer), Angela Bray of SGRC, Dave Hetzel (President), Nathan Wilkins (Secretary), visitor, Gretchen Quarterman, Bret Wagenhorst, John S. Quarterman (VP, photographing)
Emily Davenport, Brittney Hull (Treasurer), Angela Bray of SGRC, Dave Hetzel (President), Nathan Wilkins (Secretary), visitor, Gretchen Quarterman, Bret Wagenhorst, John S. Quarterman (VP, photographing)

Bret Wagenhorst, Gretchen Quarterman, visitor, Emily Davenport, Brittney Hull, Angela Bray of SGRC
