Tag Archives: Berrien County

Stranded campers rescued from Alapaha River above GA 135 2016-01-16

This is why WWALS recommends filing a float plan, or in this case, a hiking and camping plan. Boaters

WALB News Team, 17 January 2016, Campers rescued from rising floodwater, warning issued,

BERRIEN CO., GA (WALB) – The Berrien County Sheriff is sending a warning to residents to stay off the Alapaha River.

“Its not a good time to be camping out on the river,” said Sheriff Anthony Heath.

Image About 11 a.m. on Sunday, four Berrien County campers had to be rescued after they were surrounded by rising floodwaters. A father, his daughter, son, and son’s girlfriend hiked downstream and set up camp at the Alapaha River bridge near state Route 135, south of Willacoochee.

The VDT says they camped on Saturday, and were found the next day. Terry Richards, Valdosta Daily Times, 19 January 2016, page 8A, Stranded campers réscued, Continue reading

WWALS @ Alapaha Station Celebration today 2015-11-14

Patrick Kunes has opened the WWALS booth in Alapaha, Georgia, near the start of the Alapaha River Water Trail in Berrien County. Come on down for music, food, parade, beauty queen, and meet WWALS people! If you are a WWALS member, please come to the booth and sit a spell and help introduce WWALS to the people.

When: 9AM to 5PM Saturday November 14, 2015

Where: 245 NE Railroad Street, Alapaha, GA
31.381532,-83.223416, just east of Main Street, US 129.

What: Alapaha Station Celebration.


You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Continue reading

Picture: Alapaha Cleanup @ GA 135 2015-09-26

A cleanup and a new WWALS banner! Thanks to Bret Wagenhorst for both, at the Alapaha River at GA 135 on the Atkinson County side today.

Last one is here


Reminder: GA 135 Alapaha River Cleanup 2015-09-26

Bret Wagenhorst invites you:

Cleanup at GA 135 south of Willacoochee For anyone who likes to paddle the pristine waters of our region’s lovely Alapaha River, I’d like to encourage you to come out for an hour this coming Saturday and help make a noticeable difference by picking up trash along the bank at one of the put in sites for the Alapaha River Water Trail. 9 a.m. at the Hwy 135 bridge south of Willacoochee.

It’s the annual WWALS Adopt-A-Stream cleanup, Continue reading

Video: Steam engine, bridges, trees, beaches, and trash: Alapaha River by Diane Shearer

Also boating, deadfalls, steam engine, and rapids. Diane Shearer presented slides about the Alapaha River of her homeland, 31 March 2012 at Georgia River Network Weekend for Rivers, and said:

Right there at Alapaha, where it’s been clearcut behind it. This is one of the main problems of the river: there used to be nothing on that shore there but huge cypress trees and tupelo trees, and that’s almost gone everywhere. And that’s one of the great dangers to this river, is agricultural runoff, the fact that people can suck all the water out of it they want to, for irrigation and those sorts of things.

The video starts Continue reading

GA 135 Alapaha River Cleanup 2015-09-26

It’s the annual WWALS Adopt-A-Stream cleanup, this time at GA 135 on the Atkinson County side of the Alapaha River, plus if there’s time, the Berrien County side.

When: 9AM Saturday September 26th 2015

Where: Continue reading

WWALS Goals for 2015

Boating on our rivers and water trails for them, issues and education: you can help with the fun and work of WWALS! Here’s much of what can be done laid out in a list of a dozen WWALS Goals for 2015. The board has at least one opening right now, and the committees always could use more members. You can apply through the online form.

See also the monthly newsletter, the news about WWALS, and of course the website with blog, facebook the page and group, and WWALS on twitter, Youtube, and the membership google group. You can become a member or corporate sponsor of WWALS online right now.

The WWALS Executive Committee 11 March 2015 recommended Continue reading

Boating with Gwyneth on Lake Lewis and the Alapaha River 2015-05-25

Update 2015-05-17: Upcoming events.

Memorial Day Monday, Gwyneth Moody of Georgia River Network will be down from Athens to see some sights on the Alapaha River Water Trail (ARWT). You are invited to boat among the birds at 9AM on Lake Lewis with WWALS and Gwyneth, to discuss the ARWT over lunch at Puerta vel Sol in Nashville, GA, and then to paddle upstream on the Alapaha River from Berrien Beach at GA 168. Continue reading

Pictures: Rowetown Church to GA 135 –Bret Wagenhorst

Expedition leader Bret Wagenhorst’s always-excellent pictures of the 18 April 2015 WWALS Outing on the Alapaha River Water Trail.

And don’t forget coming up May 16th theThird annual BIG Little River Paddle Race at Reed Bingham State Park on the Little River. Continue reading