Tag Archives: boom

Need better trash boom on Sugar Creek 2022-03-31

WWALS has made a good try with home-made trash booms. They don’t work with heavy rains: trash goes under and over, and sometimes they come loose. Trash the boom doesn’t catch washes downstream into the Withlacoochee River, right past where Valdosta and Lowndes County propose to fund building the Troupville River Camp and Nature Park, and on to Florida.

Need stronger trash booms with nets to help fix this public health trash problem. Fortunately, several of those are available at reasonable prices.

Valdosta has spent far more money on fixing its sewage problem, with much progress (and still room for improvement). Buying a few trash traps and cleaning them out would cost less than fixing one sewer line. Stopping the trash upstream at its source in fast foot parking lots would not cost much, either, since Valdosta already has excellent trash ordinances. WWALS is discussing solutions with Valdosta.

[Boom, trash caught, trash not caught]
Boom, trash caught, trash not caught

And maybe some of the obvious sources of this trash would like to be part of the solution: Jackson Hewitt, Chick-fil-A, Zacadoo’s, Polar Pop (Circle K), KFC, Bud Light (Anheuser-Busch), Coca-Cola, Dr. Pepper, Murphy USA, Gator Aid (PepsiCo), and all those water bottle manufacturers, starting with Nestle, oh, I mean BlueTriton. Local companies or franchises can clean up their parking lots, put out trash cans, and keep emptying them. Bigger companies can sponsor trash traps and other solutions.

For a summary of the trash problem, see: https://wwals.net/issues/trash/

Boom replaced 2022-03-20

Thanks to Continue reading

Trash boom still working; need help from Zacadoo’s, Cook Out 2022-02-26

As WWALS volunteers keep up with it, cleaning out the WWALS Sugar Creek trash boom is like the top row: not bad. Of course, no rain for weeks helps: less washes down the creek.

It would be even less if fast food outlets upstream in Valdosta such as Cook Out and Zacadoo’s (pictured) would clean up their act. And if the owners of their parking lots would put in the trash cans required by Valdosta city ordinances. Sure, there will still be people tossing trash out of their cars, but most of this mess is coming from fast food outlet parking lots.

[Boom, Trash, Cleaned]
Boom, Trash, Cleaned

Before the boom, those trashjams in the bottom row got down Sugar Creek, and there is more on the Withlacoochee and Little Rivers. Such trash, also coming out of Threemile Branch, is not good for the planned Troupville River Camp and Nature Park, featured as their number one BIG thing by One Valdosta-Lowndes and a priority of the updated Parks and Rec. Master Plan. It’s also not good for the WWALS May 7th paddle from Langdale Park to Sugar Creek and Troupville Boat Ramp or even for the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail (WLRWT).

And that turtle should not have to live with that trash.

For more background, see https://wwals.net/issues/trash/.


Notice the pool noodles tied on top of the boom for extra flotation. Local ingenuity! Continue reading

Lowering the boom at Sugar Creek 2022-01-23

Update 2022-01-31: Another trash boom across Sugar Creek 2022-01-30.

Maybe this will catch some trash before it floats down Sugar Creek to the Withlacoochee River.

[Boom and preparations]
Boom and preparations

Suwannee Riverkeeper John S. Quarterman and WWALS Science Committee Chair Dr. Tom Potter brought some 3/4-inch sissel rope and 4-inch flexible drain pipe down to Sugar Creek at the bottom of the Salty Snapper property off Gornto Road, and turned it into a boom across the creek.

For why we did this, see Sugar Creek Trash 2022-01-15. Continue reading

Cherry Creek & Stillhouse Branch, Lift Station, Sinks, Withlacoochee River

Why should anyone downstream care about an obscure creek north of Valdosta? Because it runs past sinkholes that leak into the Floridan Aquifer, into the Withlacoochee River, then into the Suwannee River, then into the Gulf of Mexico, going by all seven of the downstream Florida counties that passed resolutions asking the state of Florida to do something about Valdosta wastewater, not to mention neighborhoods and wetlands closer to the recent Cherry Creek Lift Station sewage leak, which was at least smaller than previous spills.

Cherry Creek, Withlacoochee River, Suwannee River, Gulf of Mexico

Cherry Creek, Withlacoochee River, Suwannee River, Gulf of Mexico

The orange red-circled disk shows Continue reading