Tag Archives: Three Mile Branch

Residents can help keep rivers clean –Katherine Ball in Valdosta Daily Times 2022-04-15

Katherine Ball, Valdosta Daily Times, April 15, 2022, BALL: Residents can help keep rivers clean

I get excited, every year, as Earth Day approaches. Not only is it a great day to spend time preserving and enjoying our planet, it is also my birthday.

[Katherine Ball]
Katherine Ball

As I spend this Birth and Earth Day, in Valdosta, I am reminded of the many childhood memories I made playing in Three Mile Branch creek, off Country Club Road. Looking back, my experiences in those waters, directly shaped who I became as an adult and an artist.

Being the only girl in the Magnolia Plantation cul-de-sac, I often found myself, Continue reading

Waycross installed a trash trap before the Satilla River a decade ago 2020-04-20

“Well, it is unsightly, it is disgusting, and it’s been going on for years.”

No, he’s not talking about trash coming down Valdosta creeks into the Withlacoochee River, but he might as well be. It’s a report from Mobile, Alabama, about the Bandalong trash trap in a canal just upstream from the Satilla River in Waycross, Georgia. A trash trap with funding organized by the former Satilla Riverkeeper. These days, even less expensive trash traps are available. It’s time for the City of Valdosta to get on with buying some for Sugar Creek, Two Mile Branch, Three Mile Branch, and maybe other locations. There are less expensive, easier, and more flexible trash traps available now, which I will post about later.

And no, trash traps do not solve the whole problem. For that, the upstream fast food outlets and parking lots need to stop trash from getting off those lots and install trash cans and clean them out. Valdosta city ordinances say they must, and if business don’t do it voluntarily, they can be fined. Then people living along Valdosta creeks won’t have to worry so much about their children playing in trash health hazards on creeks.

We had a good meeting Monday with some Valdosta city departments about all this, with promise of followup meetings. We will supply them with options to move ahead with fixing the trash problem from upstream parking lots to trash traps to cleanups.

[Bandalong trash trap, canal before Satilla River]
Bandalong trash trap, canal before Satilla River

NBC 15 Mobile, March 28, 2012, Report on Waycross, GA’s Bandalong Litter Trap,

Every time it rains in Mobile, mounds of trash, litter, and debris end up in Dog River. Well, tonight, Local 15 News is looking at a possible solution to the problem. Andrea Ramey traveled to Waycross, Georgia, to take a look at a device there, Continue reading

Map: Two Mile and Three Mile Branch, Valdosta 2022-02-14

Here is a map of the locations of the bridges on Two Mile Branch where I found the shopping carts, mattress, and other trash, plus Three Mile Branch. I submitted Click ‘n’ Fixes. Looking forward to the City of Valdosta cleaning up these messes, which otherwise end up in the Withlacoochee River.

For more about the Valdosta trash situation, see https://wwals.net/issues/trash/.

[Map: Two Mile Branch and Three Mile Branch in WLRWT]
Map: Two Mile Branch and Three Mile Branch in the WWALS map of the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail (WLRWT).

Click ‘n’ Fix tickets:

There are more pictures on the WWALS website: https://wwals.net/pictures/2022-02-14–valdosta-creeks

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Valdosta Creeks 2022-02-14

Update 2022-03-28: Map: Two Mile and Three Mile Branch, Valdosta 2022-02-14

I toured bridges on Two Mile Branch and found three in a row with shopping carts and trash. Three Mile Branch wasn’t as bad. Click ‘n’ Fixes incoming. Looking forward to the City of Valdosta cleaning up these messes, which otherwise end up in the Withlacoochee River.

For more about the Valdosta trash situation, see https://wwals.net/issues/trash/.

[Creeks, trash, shopping buggies]
Creeks, trash, shopping buggies

Two Mile Branch

The Berkley Drive bridge wasn’t too bad that day. The City of Valdosta owns Two Mile Branch all the way from the Joree Millpond dam up past Berkley Drive, so this would be an excellent place for a trash trap. Continue reading

Trash on Threemile Branch at Country Club Road, Valdosta, GA 2022-02-13

Bobby McKenzie says, “This is visible from the road…if you’re looking.”

You guessed it: more fast food container trash in yet another Valdosta Creek: Three Mile Branch, where the Mayor lives.

Turns out the City of Valdosta owns that creek downstream from Country Club Drive. So that would be a great place for a trash trap. Otherwise, all this garbage floats down Three Mile Branch into the Withlacoochee River, then down past the future site of Troupville River Camp, and on into Florida and the Suwannee River.

[Threemile Branch, Trash, Country Club Drive]
Threemile Branch, Trash, Country Club Drive

The road is Country Club Drive, a bit south from North Valdosta Road. This is looking east, upstream, on Three Mile Branch. You can see trash in front of the box culvert under the road. Continue reading

Tifton * 2, Quitman, Valdosta * 6 2018-12-22

Not just Valdosta: Tifton spilled two places, and Quitman one, in the most recent rains. Those cities were not in the data available online from GA-EPD yesterday, but they are in the online data today.

But Valdosta spilled the most sewage and from the most locations: six places, not just the one Valdosta told the public. Plus we finally have a total for the previous WWTP spill, and all the others from the beginning of December, and those totals are not pretty.

Valdosta Warning Sign, Sign
Photo: Julie Bowland, of Valdosta sewage spill sign at Troupville Boat Ramp, 21 December 2018.

That Valdosta sewage spill sign is stuck loosely into a hole WWALS dug to plant our Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail (WLRWT) signs, which someone has yet again pulled up and thrown into the river, but I digress….

Context wide, Context Maps


First let’s look at the city people in Florida ignore: Tifton, Georgia, the second largest city in the Suwannee River Basin (that’s right: in both Georgia and Florida). Tifton had Continue reading

GA-EPD posts spills online! 2018-12-21

Update 2021-09-11: New URL for GA-EPD Sewage Spills Report:

Well, this is a welcome Christmas present, GA-EPD! Online posting of the statewide Georgia spreadsheet of sewage spills:

Spills page, Screenshots

Sewage Spills Report

The Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) provides information on municipal and industrial sewage spills reported to EPD. The list covers the most recent 30-day period and is updated each business day.

Note: A “zero” in the quantity field indicates Continue reading

Ray’s Mill Pond; was Withlacoochee River: Langdale Park to Little River Boat Ramp 2016-04-03

Update 2016-03-31: Rescheduled for Ray’s Mill Pond, due to flood stage on the Withlacoochee River.

Back on the Withlacoochee River in Valdosta, by popular demand from last weekend’s outing! Shuttle: 10 miles or 15 minutes each way We’ll continue next weekend on the next leg down the Withlacoochee River on the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail.

Event: facebook or meetup.

When: 9AM Sunday April 3rd 2016

Put in: Continue reading