Ban fracking before it spreads, and ban it quickly enough to stop new pipelines! WWALS signed the Global Frackdown organized by Food and Water Watch:
Fracking threatens the air we breathe, the water we drink, the communities we love and the climate on which we depend.
The specific message WWALS added when signing 29 June 2015 was:
Fracking is driving a company from Houston, Texas to try to gouge a pipeline across our fragile watersheds and drinking water aquifer. Georgia is already the fastest-growing U.S. market for solar power, and just passed a solar financing law that will make it grow even faster. Meanwhile, a shale gas basin has been discovered under south Georgia and north Florida. Ban fracking before it spreads, and ban it quickly enough to stop new pipelines!
Remember, WWALS supports a fracking ban in Floirida, and both WWALS Florida counties passed anti-fracking resolutions. A Florida pro-fracking bill failed, which was a huge victory for Florida anti-fracking organizers, such as Merrilee Malwitz-Jipson of our neighbor Our Santa Fe River.
The basic Global Frackdown Message to Global Leaders before the Climate Change Conference in Paris November 30th through December 11th 2015 is:
Fracking for oil and gas is inherently unsafe and the harms of this industry cannot be fully mitigated by regulation. We reject the multi-million dollar public relations campaign by big oil and gas companies and urge our local, state, and national officials to reject fracking. We stand united as a global movement in calling on governmental officials at all levels to pursue a renewable energy future and not allow fracking or any of the associated infrastructure in our communities or any communities. We are fighting fracking, frac sand mining, pipelines, compressor stations, LNG terminals, exports of natural gas, coal seam gas, coal bed methane and more. Fracking is not part of our vision for a clean energy future and should be banned.
The Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline Spectra Energy wants to gouge through southwest Georgia isn’t the only one; Riverkeepers and others in Push Back the Pipeline successfully got the Georgia Department of Transportation to deny a permit for Kinder Morgan’s proposed Palmetto petroleum products pipeline across southeast Georgia. It’s time for the Governor, Lt. Governor, GDOT, GA-EPD, etc. to oppose Sabal Trail like they opposed the Palmetto Project. Atlanta, you can’t ignore this, either, you’re surrounded by pipeline projects.
Don’t forget to sign the Petition to GA Gov. Deal to oppose Sabal Trail pipeline.
And you can support the work of WWALS by becoming a member today!
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