WWALS at Grand Bay –Pictures by Gretchen Quarterman 2015-12-12

It was a fine warm fall day for the Grand Bay Hike, WWALS banner on top of tower on the boardwalk through wet savannah and cypress and blackgum swamp at Grand Bay Wildlife Management Area, which is on the Alapaha River Water Trail. Thanks to Bret Wagenhorst for organizing this outing.

Carol Cleary Herndon also posted a facebook album.

These pictures are from Gretchen Quarterman’s facebook album.

More outings coming up: Blackgum cypress swamp

Watch the WWALS calendar for still more.


You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

WWALS banner at entrance
WWALS banner at entrance

A warm fall day
A warm fall day

Yellow flowers
Yellow flowers

Wet savanna sign
Wet savanna sign

Wet savanna
Wet savanna

Saw palmetto
Saw palmetto

Take nothing but pictures; Leave nothing but footsteps
Take nothing but pictures; Leave nothing but footsteps

Fall leaf colors
Fall leaf colors



Dappled boardwalk
Dappled boardwalk

Blackgum cypress swamp sign
Blackgum cypress swamp sign

Blackgum cypress swamp
Blackgum cypress swamp


Sunlight and shade
Sunlight and shade

Cat face sign
Cat face sign

Sprouted in 1925 sign
Sprouted in 1925 sign

Cypress tree sproued around 1925
Cypress tree sproued around 1925


Lily pads
Lily pads

Tower in sight
Tower in sight

Drink can
Drink can

Duck box
Duck box

Up on the tower
Up on the tower

Tower from a distance
Tower from a distance

Safari Club International sign
Safari Club International sign

Kinderlou Tower sign
Kinderlou Tower sign

Kinderlou Tower
Kinderlou Tower

Looking down
Looking down

Farther out
Farther out

Channel across
Channel across

WWALS banner on top of tower
WWALS banner on top of tower

Drink cup in water
Drink cup in water

Tower shadow and island
Tower shadow and island


Duck house and Spanish moss
Duck house and Spanish moss

Carol C. Herndon
Carol C. Herndon

Looking out through the tower structure
Looking out through the tower structure

Deanna Mericle
Deanna Mericle

A happy stroller
A happy stroller

Bret Wagenhorst
Bret Wagenhorst

Chris Mericle
Chris Mericle

Native wild orchid
Native wild orchid

Orchid in context
Orchid in context

Moody AFB water tower
Moody AFB water tower


Butterfly with shade
Butterfly with shade

One thought on “WWALS at Grand Bay –Pictures by Gretchen Quarterman 2015-12-12

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