FERC rubberstamps Sabal Trail time extension before filing it 2018-08-03

FERC filed its rubberstamp approval before filing Sabal Trail’s request for more time to finish its Suwannee County connection to FGT’s Jacksonville Expansion Project, which leads to Eagle LNG in Jacksonville, which can export liquid natural gas through Crowley Maritime. There’s no rubberstamp like the FERC rubberstamp.

FERC approval before Sabal Trail request, Docket CP15-17

FERC did delete the last “unpredictable” clause in this Sabal Trail sentence:

This coordination must occur while taking into account existing scheduled gas flows on each party’s respective system during the high demand of the summer cooling season, which makes the certainty by when this can occur unpredictable.

Since high seasonal demand has been touted as an excuse for this pipeline boondoggle, maybe FERC didn’t want to think about summer cooling season, “which makes the certainty by when this can occur unpredictable.”

We already saw last winter Sabal Trail couldn’t keep the gas flowing when it was so cold snow fell on Florida. Now Sabal Trail can’t finish construction because of summer heat.

You know what works find in the summer and winter sun? solar farms such as the one FPL is building right now 25 miles due north or that Duke already built about 55 miles northwest, both in Suwannee County, both by partners in Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC. Neither of those needed a FERC rubberstamp, because they didn’t need eminent domain.

Where KMI-FGT-TECO JEP is in Suwannee County, on Parcel Number 19-05S-15E-0110100.0020, just north of Drawdy Road between CR 49 and FL 247, at 30.031196, -82.852614, where Sabal Trail turns south and crosses FGT, about 10 miles from Ichetucknee Springs State Park or the Santa Fe River.

Solar panels don’t drill under rivers, cause sinkholes, leak, or explode.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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FERC Approval

Curiously, it looks like maybe somebody typed in the request wording, which has Phase I with a roman numeral letter I, when composing the approval, which has Phase 1 with a digit one.

FERC Accession Number 20180803-3034, “Letter order granting Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC’s 3/14/18 request of Extension of Time under CP15-17.”


In Reply Refer To:
Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC
Docket No. CP15-17-000
§ 375.308(w)(4)


August 3, 2018

Lisa A. Connolly
Director, Rates and Certificates
Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC
5400 Westheimer Court
Houston, TX 77056

RE: Extension of Time

Dear Ms. Connolly:

On March 14, 2018, the Commission issued an Order On Remand Reinstating Certificate And Abandonment Authorization (March 14 Order) in the above referenced docket reinstating, among other authorizations, Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC’s (Sabal Trail) certificates of public convenience and necessity to construct and operate the Sabal Trail Project and to lease the capacity created by the Hillabee Expansion Project.1 The Project will enable Sabal Trail to provide up to 1,075,000 dekatherms per day of firm transportation service over three Phases.

On January 31, 2018, the Commission had issued a prior order under this docket which had granted Sabal Trail an extension of time until August 31, 2018 to place its remaining Phase 1 project facilities into service.2

Sabal Trail now reports that it has completed all of the Phase 1 Project facilities with the exception of a meter station at the interconnection with Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC (FGT) in Suwannee County, Florida (Suwannee Meter Station).

Sabal Trail also now states that, in order to complete final commissioning of the Suwannee Meter Station, Sabal Trail and FGT must coordinate specific flow patterns to adequately test the operational parameters of the station. Sabal Trail states that this coordination must occur while taking into account existing scheduled gas flows on each party’s respective system during the high demand of the summer cooling season. As a result, Sabal Trail now requests an extension of time until August 31, 2019 to place the Suwannee Meter Station into service. Sabal Trail states that they will file a separate request to place the Suwannee Meter Station into service upon completion of construction activities.

Based on the statements in the August 3, 2018, request, Sabal Trail is hereby granted the requested extension of time to complete Phase 1 of the authorized activity as approved in the above referenced docket.

This action is taken pursuant to authority delegated by the Commission in 18 CFR § 375.308(w)(4).

1 Florida Southeast Connection, LLC, 154 FERC ¶ 61,080, order on reh’g, 156 FERC ¶ 61,160 (2016), order on remand, 162 FERC ¶ 61,233 (2018).

2 Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC, Extension of Time, Docket No. CP15-17-000 (Jan. 31, 2018).

for Pamela J. Boudreau,
Acting Director
Division of Pipeline Certificates
Office of Energy Projects


cc: Public File, Docket No. CP15-17-000
All Parties

Sabal Trail alignment map 1657-PL-DG-70197-305
Sabal Trail alignment map 1657-PL-DG-70197-305, STA. 15957+00 TO STA. 16010+00, MP 302.22, MP 303, MP 303.22, 15983+87 CL 232ND STREET, 15977+03 FGT PIPELINE, 15977+33 FGT PIPELINE, 15977+62 FGT PIPELINE, (FUTURE ROAD), M&R Station, SUWANNEE COUNTY, FLORIDA, 30.0324040, -82.8527060, courtesy Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE).

Sabal Trail Request

FERC Accession Number 20180803-5031, “Request for Extension of Time to Complete Construction of Certificated Facilities of Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC under CP15-17, et al.”

5400 Westheimer Court
Houston, TX 77056

August 3, 2018

Ms. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street, NE
Washington, D.C. 20426

Re: Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC, Docket No. CP15-17, et al.
Request for Extension of Time to Complete Construction of Certificated Facilities

Dear Ms. Bose:

On March 14, 2018, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC” or “Commission”) issued an Order On Remand Reinstating Certificate And Abandonment Authorization (“March 14 Order”) in the above referenced docket reinstating, among other authorizations, Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC’s (“Sabal Trail”) certificates of public convenience and necessity to construct and operate the Sabal Trail Project and to lease the capacity created by the Hillabee Expansion Project.1 The Project will enable Sabal Trail to provide up to 1,075,000 dekatherms per day of firm transportation service over three Phases.

Sabal Trail has completed all of the Phase I Project facilities with the exception of the meter station at the interconnection with Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC (“FGT”) in Suwannee County, Florida (“Suwannee Meter Station”). On January 31, 2018 the Commission issued an order which granted Sabal Trail an extension of time until August 31, 2018 to place its remaining Phase I project facilities into service.2

In order to complete final commissioning of the Suwannee Meter Station, Sabal Trail and FGT must coordinate specific flow patterns to adequately test the operational parameters of the station. This coordination must occur while taking into account existing scheduled gas flows on each party’s respective system during the high demand of the summer cooling season, which makes the certainty by when this can occur unpredictable. As such, Sabal Trail hereby requests an extension of time until August 31, 2019 to place the Suwannee Meter Station into service. Sabal Trail will file a separate request to place the Suwannee Meter Station into service upon completion of construction activities.

1 Florida Southeast Connection, LLC, et al., 162 FERC ¶ 61,233 (2018).

2 Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC, Extension of Time, Docket No. CP15-17-000 (Jan. 31, 2018).

Sabal Trail appreciates the Commission’s assistance in this matter. If you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact LaShawndra R. Proctor, Analyst, Rates and Certificates at (713) 627-4071 or the undersigned at (713) 627-4102.

Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC
By: Sabal Trail Management, LLC,
Its Operator
/s/ Lisa A. Connolly
Lisa A. Connolly
Director, Rates and Certificates

cc: Pamela Boudreau (FERC)
John Peconom (FERC)
All Parties of Record in Docket No. CP15-17, et al.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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