Tag Archives: Election

Radioactive well water, coal ash, fertilizer, and Tifton superfund sites 2018-10-29

Best to test for arsenic, and maybe lead, radon, and uranium, in your well and hot water heater water. In March 2013, South Health District and the Georgia Department of Health recommended testing for arsenic. That was three years after Janet McMahan discovered the arsenic problem after her family members and pets got cancer. As we wrote a few months before the Health Departments finally made their recommendation, after Janet got Erin Brockovitch involved, you may also find lead and uranium. The problem has not gone away. Also, you may find radon.

Uranium and Lead, Well water

Janet wrote Monday:

This Water is from Well on private property 3 miles from Willacoochee. Sample taken from Water Heater. Lady says she uses all of the hot water when taking a shower each morning. Looking for her Radon Level now.

Radon, Well water

Janet added:

Radon sample collected at Same Well. Continue reading

Kayak Raffle drawing at WWALS Annual Member Meeting 2018-07-08

Events: facebook, Meetup.

Draft Agenda
WWALS Annual Membership Meeting
2:00 PM Sunday 8 July 2018, followed by the WWALS Quarterly Board Meeting
Wooden Nickel, 3269 Inner Perimeter Rd, Valdosta, GA 31602

Presentation of annual report, election of board members and selection of kayak raffle winner!

Kayak, Raffle
The raffle kayak at Little River Fest, Reed Bingham State Park, April 14, 2018.

WWALS members can vote in this annual meeting, and the public is invited to observe.

Board members are listed in www.wwals.net/board: Continue reading

Online closed: last chance for kayak Raffle tickets tonight 7PM at Annual WWALS Member Meeting 2017-07-12

Online tickets are closed so there will be no confusion about last-minute tickets. If you want to buy a kayak raffle ticket you’ll need to come to the WWALS Annual Member Meeting tonight at 7PM. There you’ll also get to hear the annual report and, if you’re a member, vote on the election of some board members. Or if you just want to know if you won, you can dial in.

WWALS Annual Meeting
7:00 PM Wednesday 12 July 2017
Wooden Nickel, 3269 Inner Perimeter Rd, Valdosta, GA 31602
Dial-in Number: (641) 715-3580
Meeting ID: 855-676
Event: facebook

Follow this link for the agenda.

Kayak being raffled

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Paddle races, songwriting contest, water trails, and advocacy at WWALS Board Meeting 2017-07-12

Draft Agenda
WWALS Quarterly Board Meeting
7:30 PM Wednesday 12 July 2017, After Annual WWALS Membership Meeting
Wooden Nickel, 3269 Inner Perimeter Rd, Valdosta, GA 31602
Dial-in Number: (641) 715-3580
Meeting ID: 855-676
Event: facebook

Election of officers, paddle races, songwriting contest, festivals, water trails, and more.

[Under the cypress]
Under the cypress, in the BIG Little River Paddle Race

All WWALS members, especially committee members, are invited to attend, as is the general public.

All WWALS Board Members are expected Continue reading

Kayak Raffle to be selected at Annual WWALS Member Meeting 2017-07-12

Draft Agenda
WWALS Annual Meeting
7:00 PM Wednesday 12 July 2017, followed by WWALS Quarterly Board Meeting
Wooden Nickel, 3269 Inner Perimeter Rd, Valdosta, GA 31602
Dial-in Number: (641) 715-3580
Meeting ID: 855-676
Event: facebook

Presentation of annual report, election of board members and selection of kayak raffle winner! Until then, you can still get your raffle ticket Last chance to get a raffle ticket is at the Annual Member Meeting.

Pelican Icon 100X Angler 10-foot sit-on-top fishing kayak, with paddle

WWALS members can vote in this annual meeting, and the public is invited to observe.

Board members are Continue reading

Thanks for a historic victory against Sabal Trail –WWALS in VDT 2016-04-10

In today’s Sunday April 10th 2016 Valdosta Daily Times:

The Georgia House on March 22nd by an unprecedented 34 ayes to 128 nays rejected easements for Sabal Trail Sunday VDT to drill our Withlacoochee and other Georgia Rivers. This was a historic victory by the Georgia Water Coalition, including Georgia Sierra Club, WWALS, Flint Riverkeeper, Chattahoochee Riverkeeper, plus SpectraBusters, and thanks to all of you who called their state reps.

That same day, Continue reading