Tag Archives: Moultrie

Water and family farms more precious than Sabal Trail Sinkhole Pipeline: citizens to FERC in Moultrie 2015-09-29

“Water is our most precious commodity, not pipelines, not Sabal Trail,”, said WWALS member Alton Burns, and both he and WWALS president John S. Quarterman spoke twice, about safety, water, conflicts of interest, the Floridan Aquifer, lack of transparency, Okapilco Creek, the Withlacoochee River, and the Suwannee River, all of which Sabal Trail is trying to drill under. Local landowners were the most blunt: the FERC process is a farce and a hoax, they said. See for yourself in these LAKE videos from Moultrie last night.

But it’s still important for you to come speak up, to be on the record, so the news media will hear, and so your neighbors will hear. The FERC meetings continue tonight in Valdosta and Continue reading

Sabal Trail exposed in Jasper News

The closest FERC meeting is actually in Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 30 September 2015. And remember, sinkholes don’t matter, says FERC.

Front page Amber Vann, Jasper News, 24 September 2015, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission: Sabal’s proposed pipeline impact ‘less than significant’ on environment,

According to the EIS, “constructing and operating the Sabal Trail Project in South Georgia/North Florida could induce sinkhole development, alter spring characteristics and impact local groundwater flow and quality.” However, the study finds that Sabal Trail’s proposed impact minimization measures and construction methods would cause the project to not “significantly impact karst terrain, springs or the Floridian aquifer.”

The EIS goes on to state the Floridian aquifer is the “most productive aquifer Continue reading

GA-DNR should not give away easements to Sabal Trail –FrK, WWALS, GA Sierra Club

In addition, J. Mark Mobley, Jr. of Moultrie, Colquitt County, GA, is Vice Chair of the Land Committee that meets first. LTE If that Committee doesn’t recommend the Sabal Trail give-away, the full DNR board probably won’t vote on it. You can send the GA-DNR board members comments, or go to the meeting Wednesday morning 9AM in Atlanta. Meanwhile, this LTE (PDF) just went to the Albany Herald.

Jeff Sinyard represents southwest Georgia on the Board of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. He is our voice on that very important and powerful Board.

Sabal Trail Pipeline needs easements granted by the DNR Board to pass under key southwest and south-central Georgia rivers and creeks. Elsewhere in Georgia, over to the east and on the coast, Governor Deal’s DOT recently blocked the use of eminent domain for a gas and diesel pipeline. The Governor does not have the same power over natural gas pipelines under Georgia law. However, the Governor’s DNR Board does have the power Continue reading

Please Act Now against the Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline proposal

This went out yesterday to WWALS members.


Please take immediate action, today, to tell Governor Nathan Deal’s office that you oppose the siting of Spectra Energy’s Sabal Trail “natural” gas pipeline through the Withlacoochee River watershed. Call 404-656-1776 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. and tell the staffer that answers, “I am opposed to routing the Sabal Trail pipeline through the Withlacoochee River watershed; I urge Governor Deal to do everything in his power to stop this project”.

Also please sign this petition Continue reading

Landowner in county in WWALS watersheds sued by Sabal Trail; hearing May 28th in Moultrie

WWALS has long opposed the unnecessary, environmentally destructive, and hazardous Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline, see for example the 3 April 2015 front page Atlanta Journal-Constitution article. Now Sabal Trail has sued a landowner in a WWALS watershed county. Everyone who can, please attend the hearing or send letters.

When: 9:30 AM 28 May 2015 Continue reading

Third Annual BIG Little River Paddle Race PR 2015-05-16

PDF, Registration


Charity paddle event to take place at Reed Bingham State Park

Valdosta, April 27th, 2015 — You are invited to paddle in the third annual BIG Little River Paddle Race on Saturday, May 16, 2015. Bring your canoe or kayak or Continue reading

Valdosta in Moultrie discussing flooding Saturday

Did the Withlacoochee River floods the Valdosta City Council all the way to Moultrie to discuss a levee? A levee proposed by the Army Corps of Engineers is top of Valdosta’s retreat agenda tomorrow and Sunday, 10-11 January 2014, at Sundown Farms Plantation, 894 Mack Dekle Road, Moultrie, GA 31768.

Joe Adgie wrote for the VDT 8 January 2014, Valdosta City Council retreating in Moultrie, Continue reading

Moultrie Observer: WWALS op-ed against Sabal Trail pipeline

Bigger type than the rest of the page, and in the editorial column position: Haley Hyatt, who took these pictures, noticed that about how the Moultrie Observer printed the WWALS op-ed Friday 1 August 2014, as “Much opposition”.

So that’s at least two newspapers so far, the other being the Ocala StarBanner. Continue reading

Biggest city in Suwannee River watershed?

Apparently everybody knew this but me. The biggest city in the entire 11,020 square mile Suwannee river basin, half in south Georgia and half in Florida (that half being the largest river basin in Florida), is…. Continue reading