Tag Archives: raffle

WWALS Kayak Raffle, Fall 2018

Update 2018-12-12: And the winner is….!

Thanks to Bret Wagenhorst for the raffle kayak, which he donated at the Berrien County Harvest Festival.

Raffle sign, Kayak
Sundolphin Trek 10 Kayak

You can get your raffle tickets here:

Kayak Raffle Tickets

We’ll be picking the raffle winner on Saturday, December 8, 2018, in the Okefenokee Swamp. Continue reading

Raffle kayak winner(s) from Live Oak, Florida 2018-07-08

Once again the kayak raffle winner was a surprise, this time with a twist.

The winner of the draw for the Perception Swifty Deluxe 95 Angler Sit Inside Kayak at the WWALS Annual Member Meeting, Sunday, July 8, 2018, in Valdosta, Georgia is…

Raffle Kayak, Wheels
The raffle kayak at the BIG Little River Paddle Race, April 28, 2018.

Continue reading

Kayak Raffle drawing at WWALS Annual Member Meeting 2018-07-08

Events: facebook, Meetup.

Draft Agenda
WWALS Annual Membership Meeting
2:00 PM Sunday 8 July 2018, followed by the WWALS Quarterly Board Meeting
Wooden Nickel, 3269 Inner Perimeter Rd, Valdosta, GA 31602

Presentation of annual report, election of board members and selection of kayak raffle winner!

Kayak, Raffle
The raffle kayak at Little River Fest, Reed Bingham State Park, April 14, 2018.

WWALS members can vote in this annual meeting, and the public is invited to observe.

Board members are listed in www.wwals.net/board: Continue reading

Kayak Raffle tickets available now

WWALS is raffling off a Perception Swifty Deluxe 95 Angler Sit Inside Kayak.

Perception Swifty Deluxe 95 Angler Sit Inside Kayak , Raffling

You can donate for a raffle ticket online here, or you can get paper tickets at numerous festivals throughout the spring, starting today Continue reading

Skillet Festival, Quitman, Brooks County, GA 2017-10-21

A fine day, good food, raffles, and lots of interest in water trails, cleanups, outings, etc. at Brooks County Skillet Fest.

Raffle kayak and Gretchen, WWALS booth

Raffle kayak and Gretchen, WWALS booth

In addition to the then-ongoing kayak raffle, Gretchen bought a skillet that we raffled off. Continue reading

Kayak delivery to raffle winner


Gainesville, Florida, December 23, 2017 — Suwannee Riverkeeper met Chris Newton of Holly Hill, Florida, half way to Daytona Beach to deliver the kayak he won in a WWALS raffle. Back in October at Suwannee Hulaween, Chris got one raffle ticket, and that was the winning ticket. When the Riverkeeper called him, he wanted to know if someone had found his keys. When he heard what he was getting, “No way!” he said. But we found a way to get him the Trio-11 kayak generously donated by Malibu Kayaks.

For me?

For me?, Palmettos

Yes, Chris Newton of Holly Hill, Florida, yours was the winning raffle ticket we drew December 10, 2017 at Georgia’s Stephen C. Foster State Park in the Okefenokee Swamp.

Chris didn’t answer when we called from the top of the Suwannee River.

When Suwannee Riverkeeper John S. Quarterman met Chris and his crew halfway to Daytona Beach, in Gainesville, Florida, to deliver the kayak, they were still recounting the second call when Chris did answer. Continue reading

Last chance before kayak raffle drawn at Okefenokee Suwannee River Outing 2017-12-10

You may have seen this kayak at the Brooks County Skillet Fest, the Berrien County Harvest Fest, the Alapaha Station Celebration, the Hahira Honeybee, or Suwannee Hulaween, and now there are only a few days to get a raffle ticket for it, before we draw the winner 9AM this Sunday in the Okefenokee Swamp on the monthly WWALS paddle outing.

Raffle kayak, Hulaween

You can put your donation in online and get your kayak raffle tickets. All proceeds go to support the work of WWALS Watershed Coalition, because Malibu Kayaks generously donated the kayak.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

WWALS at Brooks County Skillet Festival 2017-10-21

The travelling WWALS booth will be in Quitman, Georgia, this Saturday at the Skillet Festival. We will have buttons and stickers (WWALS, Suwannee Riverkeeper, Water Trails, Water Is Life) and the raffle kayak. If you like, bring a piece of cast iron for WWALS to raffle off, as well.

When: 9AM-3:30 PM, Saturday, October 21, 2017

Where: Brooks County Courthouse, 100 Screven Street, Quitman, Georgia 31643

What: Brooks County Skillet Festival, quilts, cooking, fashion, dogs, clogging, skillet toss, race, and parade

Event: facebook, meetup

WWALS buttons on skillet, Festival

Schedule: Continue reading

Raffle Kayak: Trio-11

Update 2017-12-12: And the winner is…

Update 2017-12-11: We already drew for the kayak: stay tuned for the winner.

Update 2017-10-26: Thanks to John Phillip Ramsey and Malibu Kayaks for donating the raffle kayak!

Back by popular demand: another raffle kayak! This MalibuKayaks Trio-11 can be used for fishing, standing, or with a family of three. See below for tickets, drawing, and specifications.

Poster, Trio-11


Tickets are $5 each or five for $20. You can get them online (see sidebar on every page of the WWALS website), or get your paper tickets at the WWALS booth at any of the festivals, outings, or other events this fall.

See the WWALS calendar or list of events for when and where, or get tickets online at any time.

Drawing for the Winner

The lucky winner will be chosen Continue reading