Wondering why Valdosta is having an overflow problem? It was rain on Valdosta, and north of Valdosta.
Not so much northwest on the Little River, nor even west on Okapilco Creek: Continue reading
Wondering why Valdosta is having an overflow problem? It was rain on Valdosta, and north of Valdosta.
Not so much northwest on the Little River, nor even west on Okapilco Creek: Continue reading
Sunday there was parking under the bridge, now that’s under water.
The intended put-in for
this Sunday’s Withlacoochee Outing,
is just downstream from here, so we’re rescheduling that one for
Ray’s Millpond,
875 Rays Mill Pond Rd., Ray City, GA 31645,
still 9AM March 20th 2016.
Directions: From Valdosta, north on Bemiss Road (GA 125) to Ray City, right on Jones St. to boat ramp.
It’s 14.75 feet, just below 15 foot flood at the Continue reading
On the north side of US 41, there’s good access from Val Del Road to the Withlacoochee River.
From US 41 (North Valdosta Road), turn north on Val Del Road,
and your next right is a turnoff to a gravelled road that bends sharply right into the woods, which leads back to the north side of US 41 and down to the Withlacoochee River.
It was a bit muddy in the rain this morning, but there were no big potholes,
and the river slope is easy access.
The river was high, 9.8 feet, but still well below the 15 foot flood level
on the
US 41 Gage on this bridge.
Signs, no pipeline, new fallers, and a fine day on the Withlacoochee River
Langdale Park to the US 41 bridge: here are some pictures of
Kayaktivism, October 3rd 2015.
Thanks to Ashlie Marie Prain and others for organizing this event by the Valdosta State University (VSU) Anthropology Club, the VSU Sociology Club, and Students Against Violating the Environment (S.A.V.E.), which was also cleanup for Keep Lowndes/Valdosta Beautiful (KLVB), and a WWALS Field Trip, plus Tom Hochschild was there for the Lowndes County Democratic Party (LCDP), which, like WWALS, is an intervenor on FERC Sabal Trail Docket No. CP15-17.
Don’t forget to e-comment to FERC today! Today’s the deadline for e-comments about the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS).
Special thanks to Continue reading