Monthly Archives: August 2016

What WWALS Does: watershed advocacy from outings and water trails to wastewater and pipelines

Water trails, wastewater, corporate agriculture, solar power, fracking, and pipelines: WWALS works with many issues in many ways, as part of our advocacy for conservation and stewardship through education, awareness, environmental monitoring and activities such as our monthly paddle outings. McIntyre Spring snorkel 30.6416626, -83.3660889

Here’s an introduction to WWALS for the many new members and even more people following WWALS on facebook and twitter.

WWALS Watershed Coalition, or WWALS for short, is an IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation about everything related to water in the watersheds Continue reading

Judge Gives Sabal Trail Withlacoochee River Easement 2016-07-29

0.03 acres under the Withlacoochee River sold by the State of Georgia to Sabal Trail, operated by Spectra Energy of Houston, Texas, for $5,000, or $166666.66/acre. Map: Location That easement must be very valuable to Sabal Trail. But it’s more valuable to us who live here and swim, fish, and boat on that river and drink from the Floridan Aquifer. If we’d known this was going on, some of us might have filed other documents in this case.

Also, I would have thought 666 once would have been enough.

Here are some things you can do to help stop this boondoggle, and background about why this pipeline is a bad idea when there are already more solar jobs than in oil and gas extraction, and Georgia is the fastest-growing U.S. solar market.

Here’s the judge’s final order (PDF), followed by the other court documents in this case: Continue reading

Sierra Club protest at Lake City today 2016-08-18

Sierra Club Campaign Organizer Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson has taken the Lake City pipe yard ball and run with it. Monday she got TV coverage at that illicit Sabal Trail storage yard for 36-inch fracked gas pipe, and today she’s called a press conference and protest there. Plus Sierra Club has filed two legal actions. Here’s how you can help.

Haley Wade, WCJB-TV, Gainesville, Florida, 15 August 2016, New pipeline has protestors,

There is something you can do: you can say no.

The sun is shining.

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Federal permits inflame opposition to Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline boondoggle WWALS PR 2016-08-16


Hahira, Georgia, August 16th 2016 — There is no excuse for $3 billion down this rathole of a 20th century dying fossil fuel industry now that there are more solar power jobs than in all of oil and gas extraction. One federal permit Friday and another federal go-ahead impending for the Sabal Trail invasion of private property and wetlands in Georgia, Florida, and Alabama stiffens the resolve of the rapidly expanding opposition. WWALS Watershed Coalition (WWALS) has revealed apparent wetlands violations and federal rule violations by Spectra Energy, the Houston, Texas pipeline company that wants to gouge under our Withlacoochee and Suwannee Rivers, risking our water supply for its profit. Sierra Club has vowed to use “all legal means necessary to stop this fracked gas pipeline.” Opposition across Georgia continues as dozens of new groups joined the fight a week ago in Gainesville, Florida. News Friday of a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) wetlands permit has inflamed opposition across the country to this latest fossil fuel land and water grab.

Last month WWALS reported to USACE and to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) that Sabal Trail already has Continue reading

Literature boxes for water trail landings

Eventually we want kiosks like at state parks, but we’re toying with these as temporary measures for Post and box the dozen landings of the Alapaha River Water Trail and the two dozen landings of the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail.

That’s a realtor information box that holds 8.5×11″ paper, bought for $13 at Lowe’s, on a plain old 5-foot steel electric fence post, about $3.50 from various sources such as Tractor Supply, easily installable with a bazooka, er, I mean a $25 Post Driver.

Smaller boxes, such as 5.5″ wide, are available for $6 each or less. So that’s a total of $10-20 for each sign and post. WWALS has money to pay for some of these to start

Now we could use permission from the various county and state agencies to install the signs.

Or funding from counties, chambers, or the like for building and installing kiosks. Those are more expensive, more like $1,000 each. However, with local labor (school class project?) they could cost a lot less, and even less if parts were donated.

Fortunately, many of the landings in Florida already have kiosks supplied by their local counties. But most of the landings are in Georgia, and few of them have kiosks.


You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

USACE refuses Madison County’s request for a Sabal Trail SEIS 2016-07-29

They didn’t even bother to fill in the year on the date, and “File with original letter”. Here’s what the Corps wrote (PDF) in response to Madison County’s request for a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) about Sabal Trail.

File with
original letter


July 29, 201

USACE Response to Madison County re Sabal Trail Reply to attention of
Regulatory Division
North Permits Branch
Jacksonville Permits Section

Madison Board of County Commissioners
Attn: Mr. Brian Kauffman, County Coordinator
Post Office Box 539
Madison, Florida 32341

Dear Mr. Kauffman:

Please accept this correspondence as Continue reading

Madison County, FL asks USACE for a SEIS 2016-07-18

This request for a Supplementary Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS), mentioning Madison Blue Spring in particular, was sent July 18th or 19th 2016, one copy to each of the Corps addresses. (PDF). That’s the fourth Florida county to make such a request, after Hamilton, Suwanee, and Marion Counties. The Corps already responded to Madison County.

Board of County Commissioners
Madison County, Florida

to express our concerns

Jacksonville Permits Section
U.S.A.C.E. Regulatory Division
Attn: Mark R. Evans,
  Senior Project Manager,
Post Office Box 4970
Jacksonville, Florida 32232

Commander, U.S.A.C.E.,
Savannah District
Attn: Mr. Terry C. Kobs
1104 N. Westover Boulevard, Unit 9
Albany, GA 31707

Mobile District Reg. Div.
Montgomery Field Office
Attn: Mr. James S. Cherry II
605 Maple Street
Building 1429 Room 105
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112-6017


Norman C. Bay, Chairman Continue reading

Suwannee River Outing tomorrow, plus Withlacoochee and Alapaha coming up

Don’t forget, 8AM tomorrow August 13th 2016, its a WWALS paddle outing from Roline to Cypress Creek on the iconic Suwannee River.

The water level is looking good.

Follow this link for directions, facebook event, meetup, etc.

If you can’t paddle tomorrow, WWALS holds monthly paddle outings, with the occasional on-land cleanup like next month:

For more outings and events as they are posted, see the WWALS calendar.


You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!

Videos: Many speakers against Sabal Trail @ SRWMD 2016-08-09

The Chair said they would send a letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and everyone applauded, in the middle of a record number of people speaking Tuesday morning to the board of the Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD), most against Sabal Trail, among other topics.

Please send names of the unidentified speakers to

And you can still send your message to the SRWMD board via Robin Lamm, Coordinator,; in the Subject say SRWMD Board Members; and remember to copy Noah Valenstein, Executive Director, (Thanks to Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson for the updated Coordinator name and address.)

Below are links to each of the videos, followed by a video playlist. These are the complete videos of everything before the lunch break, except for a camera failure at the beginning of one talk. See also the Agenda and board packet.

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