Monthly Archives: December 2016

Informative forum against Sabal Trail in Citrus County –Harriet Heywood

WWALS member Harriet Heywood, Citrus County Chronicle, 3 December 2016, Sabal Trail forum was informative,

I was an attendee at the Public Forum on Sabal Trail on Nov. 21.

As an attendee, I found the forum at the Unitarian Universalist Church, endorsed by the League of Women Voters, to be both educational and well-presented, and the event was well-attended. To read the Sabal Trail-perspective piece, in The Chronicle almost a week post-forum, you might believe speaker and attendee fears were unfounded. However, Spectra Energy, the parent company of Sabal Trail has an extremely bad safety record, with blowouts, leaks and explosions occurring far more often than Sabal Trail’s spokesperson admitted in the Sunday article, including an explosion in Pennsylvania last April and a huge blowout in The Arkansas River in 2015, among many other accidents and safety violations. The article covering the forum colored speakers and attendees as ill-informed worrywarts. As far as I could tell, no one from Sabal Trail attended the forum.

I have since learned that sinkholes and drilling blowouts have already occurred recently, in both Georgia and North Florida, video-documented by Sierra Club’s Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson and John S. Quarterman, president, WWALS Watershed Coalition. A sinkhole opened at a Sabal Trail construction site in Suwannee County, near the Santa Fe River, on C.R. 49 between Branford and Live Oak (the site of the O’Brien, Hildreth Compressor Station) damaging at least the road there.

And another well-documented Valdosta, Georgia area Withlacoochee River drilling blowout occurred as Sabal Trail was drilling under the river. Impossible events, according to Sabal Trail’s spokesperson. There are other documented incidents of wildlife and wetland destruction in the Hunter Creek region as the pipeline makes its way to South Florida for export. Forum attendees were not ill-informed worrywarts. They were well-educated concerned citizens.

There were numerous safety concerns raised about Continue reading

Quitman, GA supplying water to Sabal Trail

Confirmed: Sabal Trail’s water for drilling under the Withlacoochee River in Georgia is coming from Quitman, Georgia. Specifically from a fire hydrant on Holloway Drive just east of Young Street.

Fire Hydrant

Sabal Trail previously told FERC Continue reading

Sinkhole, Sabal Trail HDD, Lowndes County, GA 2016-12-02

Sabal Trail caused a sinkhole at the HDD site in Lowndes County, in addition to Orange safety fence in front of drill site the frac-out under the Withlacoochee River previously discovered by WWALS, plus a bunch of other sinkholes or “depressions” they just reported today. They say they discovered the HDD site sinkhole the day after they told FERC there was no sinkhole at what appears to be exactly the location they now, four weeks later, say is a sinkhole.

FERC Accession Number: 20161202-5137, “Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC submits it Continue reading

Aerials: Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park 2016-11-23

Wanee main stages, 30.3929100, -82.9443730 Wanee, Hulaween, Suwannee River Roots Revival, and right now Suwannee Lights; where music lives: Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park, seen from the air.

Wanee main entrance to Grande Hall, 30.3940130, -82.9404060

Wanee main entrance to Grande Hall,

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Brooks County Commission Resolution to Support WLRWT 2016-11-07

Commissioners, county agent, and Sherry Davidson of SGRC Unanimously, they passed a resolution to support the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail: the Brooks County Commission at their regular meeting of Monday November 7th 2016 (PDF). Thanks to the Commissioners, especially Chairman Myra Exum and Vice-Chairman Joe Wingate, for their warm welcome to WWALS. Thanks to Commissioners and staff, especially County Administrator Justin DeVane, for some very useful suggestions, such as numbering river landings as well as naming them, in the same way that county roads have both names and numbers to make it easier for emergency services.

The picture is of county agent Stephanie Hollifield reminding the Commissioners that Brooks County farmer Randy Dowdy set a world record for soybean yield of Continue reading